Chattanooga Daily Times from Chattanooga, Tennessee (2024)

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Chattanooga Daily Timesi

Chattanooga, Tennessee

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As a Result of Her Decision We're Offering Astounding Values in At)pare MOE ''--Every now and theilsoinething unusual occurs which 7sliattersev to -a position of in'ihor'iiiiii'ortanCe: a1 is of t4- soil a ancreperiPnce thatyOu may have had with cut prices is going to be eclipsed We sale' 'whOseprices-arep0 positively astounding he a 1 be d'inemorab1eeent Its items their prices such as have never ruled before: will shopper r- Li sale Can i'kle will be e'nthlisii It will be such '1-s' Sale as Chattanooga has neyer'''eliiiiii6641'b'efore- :5 1010 -'7T 4 SUICDAY-TEZ-70: llTreITIT'- SUNDAY- ''ert-TNE 0 18 4 It 4 4 1 1 I I 4' 4 ti --o---- 1 1 rl 1) 8 posELN lic I' ti a I IIE a li ilti 0 1: Ell einivultstI v) 1 3-At '-lr I- -Ice I 0 A -(Cii49- 9 1- 1 A are-I- -I i''' Asa Result of Her -re 0ffd: lirMillitieryanc14 2 "s3 7' 1 Tr 4 Every now and then something unusual ocbui's which 7shatters ev- bry precedent ---1-So thething- that -Tplpgatcs -re6916 to- position of g)t-1 importance Aik4 minor'H And this June Clearance Sale is that sort Every idea maY4aveha -1 -f Ix --f: 41: (OPP cuepiica- is going to be eclipsed We sale i': -) going --to be event Its items their prides such as have iiever- ruled -It 'w111 a 'ii' itisisti-- 6i le will--7bele' be such a 1 i4K-' it et 0 -i- sale as Chattanooga has before an isnt-veryapt-'-to experience again i 41-A4r A--- 1-t-- lel 7150 and $10 Wool Skirts $750 crno of imported worsteds fine voiles and Pana mas finest tailoring flare style to close $398 Pana imported mpo rted ors 1 mas finest tgulorir of fine linene $150 Silk' Pongee Suits and 'Excellent material tailoring a style $2500 values tunic effect of fine allwool serges plainly tailored $750 VI lash Shirts full pleated in ci cocits All Silk in white and tan to $1200 Braided Coats lined- with taffeti $1000 98 $15 Suits 7s50 $20 Suits $1000 4 (kit kl'ii lilt fr-i-ii I Wash Shirts Odd Coats All Silk Braided Coats 1 4 i I II I tl'" 4 al 'Itif I of fit fine lioene full plea' ted in tunic' effect of fine all-wool serges plainly tailored in white an'd tan lined with taffeta $1000 i I rf vi 1 ci 50 $750 to $1200 --4a--- --ii '11 wa 98c $298 $498 '1 it i 1 11 1 l' I i 1 lit 1 ''I I Si ut White 1 ae Pongee a Serge Suits I I 't il 1 A i AP Excellent material tailoring and ct 2 0 ti c-zr i 311r style $2500 values oP 9 0 $15 Suits 750 $20 Sults $1000 I I Wool Sutts Half Price This season's models with proper length co ats full kilted skirts and desirable colors which are shown and bought for which Wool Suits Half Pric This season's models with proper length coats full kilted skirts are shown and bought for fall $25-Stiits $1250' $35 Suits $1750 1250 1750 $25 Suits $35 Suits Pattern Auto Coats Pure Linen Dresses 1: All Pattern- Hats I Auto Coats I Pure Linen Dresses I Trimmed Hats Tr ItTIMPli Ret it 1 I ILT 25e-100'Ladiee and Chi Wren's Hats to doge -25c at at Of fine line or heavy linen crash Extra-long nicely tailored with high buttoned collar or with long roll lapel ana low collar $650 en 00 low collar $650 Of fine line or heavy linen crash Ex- Wash duced Suits really $15 and $1650 pure french Suits either heavy or light weaves all colors fine models of strictly tail ored type and Russian effects some nicely touched with-colored or Persian bands on collars $998 and cuffs others piped and braided $750 and $1000 Suits made of fine materials in all LNry or tails uched 98 al all 14 AT $9 of maline chiffon and fine laces also pressed shapes of fine Milan Leghorn Chip and Javasi trimmed in plumes aigrettes wings fine French fkwers and best silk velvets some with pompons and fancies -shapes alone worth more values running up to $3500 sale price $9 98 SAILORS Children's fine Milan' Sailors were $300 to close AT 29 of maline chiffon and fine value 16 S398 Waterproof pure linen tan Auto coat shawl 'Presto" 'collar eombined (use it either rolling or button up close) 'valtie- sale price OOOOO 98 LOT NO 1 rine imported French linen dresses in white blue pink an tan neatly trimmed with real linen cluny laces Dutch neck and pretty overskirts also many styles trimmed with fine bands of Irish lace and medalions and beautiful tucked overskirt Another dress with embroidered overskirt and trimmed wits embroidery bands to match 1 Values up to $35 $1498 LOT NO 2 Splendid models of pure styles with hand-embroidery panels trimmed with linen laces and baby Irish yokes Also the Russian ef- fects-2 values $1 913 LOT NO 1 Childre's n's resses tableblocked snd hand-made Hats to to close at --t 98e AT table large Hats and Turbans mostly hand-made trimmed in ribbon bows maline quills and towers were up to9698 to close at op 000000 oft 98 AT 9298-'--Two tables of dreetey Hats Bonnets and Morning Hats some with piumes others with elaborate ribbon bows worlds of flowers valaesup to $798 sale price $2 98 AT tabies of dressy Hats of Mans Chips Pressed Leghorns trimmed in expensive flowers fancy and plain pompons also flowers bonnets and fine tailored bats value up to 910: to close at $3 98 AT 94 Leghorns fine Chips Hair braid trimmed in maline bows silk velvet ribbon fine Persian ribbon and fine flowers: some "Gages" Hats among them values running up to $1500 sale price 911 98 to close at vo uc braid trimmed in maline bows silk elvet ribbon AT $4 Leghorns fine Chips Bair -A1110MI fine Persian ribbon and fine flower some 815 00 "Gages' Hata among them running up to sale price 81 98 'LT 980--Ons to close at AT $198-13 mostly han maline qui close at AT and Mornit with elabor valnesup AT $39 S--T Chips Pres flowers fan bonnets and to close at AT $4 braid trimitt fine Persia' "Gages" Ha $1500 sal the best colors ex- cellent tailoring and 011rrWWwob 17' --11 ''0 fine mod- A 4 98 Lr 645 at 08c Ladies' Sailors were $250 to close at 98c Ladies' Sailors of Ruffstraw and Milan were $100 to close at 48c SHAPES One Table Shapes and Children's Hats One table Lathes' Shapes large and small were $150 -sale price 48e One table Ladies' andChildren's shapes and Milans-- Chips and Javan were $250- ale price rE- One table Ladies' Shapes large and small were 8150 -sale price One table Ladies' andChildrens shapes and Milan 48c 's Chips and 'lavas were 8250 sale price 98c -0 Entire stock of white and colored dresses including Bloomers to close at 1-4 off Small sizes child dress in white and gi ngh a 48c Lingerie Dresses Extra special assortment of fine lingerie and lawn dresses variously trimmed in fine laces embroidery an medalions on the best season's -models $7Z0 and t10 values special 98 gillgitaili 111 tb I 0 IF Lingerie Dresses Extra special assortment of fine lin- gene and lawn dresses variously trimmed in ons on the' best sfine laces embroembroidery an models- medalle and 10 vaes v7Z0 8lu na special Sitsou 000 Suits made of fine quality linene strictly tailored a 1 1 colors some touched tip with colored collars a cuffs full plaited skirts $298 4 $500 Suits made of fine quality linene strictly talored a 1 1 colors some touched lip with colored collars a ti CULLS lull plaited skirts $2 98 Show cases tables and other furniture will not be delivered wadi after the sale SOCIETY From Page Nineteen All 'Flowers to close at PRICE All French Plumes to close at PRICE All Willow Plumes to close at Orr All Hair Gcods to close at ONE-POTIRTH OPE LOT NO 3 Twenty-five dresses of pure linen snappy models variously- trimmed on the tailored style with braid and lace Some nicely piped and edged with buttons etc Every garment is perfect in style make and $598 $10 values i --------z-'-- --7 1 LOT NO 3 s1 tp linen Twenty-five dresses of pure 1 I values snappy models variously- trimmed on the tailored style with braid and lace All 'Flowers to close at HALF PRICE Some nicely piped and edged with but- tons etc -N 1 -1N1 All French Plumes to close at 11ALF1 PRICE Every garment is perfect in i Show cases tables and other furniture will not be All Willow Plumes to close' at 'ONE-FOURTH OFF style make and I delivered until after the sale- All Hair Gicods to close at-'0NE-F011RTH OPE $sio 'values $598 4 1 'ORR' 4 I I It 1 1 i i osmasfto szk 1- 4414) A ZSS-e i A010114 aglibit 0 -it-0 $2110 0 41" it) 4ieimineAM 41 I i Itk 4 (11 1 1 1 WVJ'1 NC 41 MCI') I 1 -) abo 4'17 --'3 11' 9oto 04 ebos'Aq 7 il 1 a A 00 A a A A 'I' ItrIAN ESPRIS mc- ri I' L- --t I MO IPSO Mt 1 RETAA STORM -lik-'' "Irr 1WININW -1111101 "NNW Ninr sT 'ili 7 it LOW je '44spoow' 1-' I 0 1 st rin 04- IIKZ-k 4411P tilitelW Popular Price Outfitters 734 MARKET STREET 'r 44 tt7--A- 1 -illiati 1mig8mommonnimut AnnommEmmilmommulmommummmomemonL 604 A 4 From Page Nineteen 1 Show cases di Miss Elizabeth Coolidge is chaperoning a pally of nineteen Cooper school gins- who have been spending a week in the Morgan Llewellyn home on Lookout mountain The party will return to the city tomorrow Miss Ellen Powers of Steubenville arrived Saturday for a visit with her cousin Mrs May Hi Ilas Miss Powers is a sister of the Rev rather Powers rector of St Peter's church Steubenville Born to Mr end Mrs Henry Barnes Saturday May 2S a daughter who will be named Emily Elizabeth for her two grandmothers Mr and Mrs Charles Rosenthal will entertain Mr and Mrs Cohen of New York at dinner this evening Mrs licAdams of Nashville and little son will visit her mother Mrs A Iletcalf of Highland Park during this month 'Ails Elizabeth Coolidge is chaperon- ing a party of nineteen Cooper school girls who have been spending a week III the Morgan Llewellyn home on Look- out mountain The party will return to the city tomorrow Mi Elln Powers of Steubenville ss tertained with an auto party Wednesdar In honor of her guest itiS Annie O'Kelley of Mississippi Mrs Allen and Dan Swbiney chaperoned the affair--Tbe Mothers club rneeta Friday afternoon with Mrs Ben Bush The meettng was pow poned aecount of sickness from May 2 A Asher and daughter Ube Vera Asher of Trenton Mo are the guests of Mr and Mrs Allnut on Forwt Axtnie Hampton will be the next hostesa of tho Northside Five Use dred Marie Bell left Thursday night for Myrtle PrIU leares this week for Georgetown to visit Wiley Montgomery has re turned to her home in Oklahoma accompe tried by her mother Mrs Holloway South St Elmo News Notes The county institute met ea Tuesday May Si at the Presbyterial church in SL meeting was well attended and was pronounced a one cess in everz Morey west to Rising awn Thursday to attend the district conference oft the Methodist eh Mounredaytt so HeastY sfladt ileasty and Mrs Ethel MIM urday to Mission ridge station to spend a week with Mrs A Ruth Fonda has returned from Chickameutg where she has been the past three weeks visiting Wean wife anti son Albert have gone to Ohio to Peed some time with relatives and friends-- The marriage of Finney Carter and )1114 Eunice Bryan Wednesday was a great surmise to their special caned meting of the St Elmo will be held next Monday to arrange for Plower Mission day June 9 the place to be de cided might hare been a serious accident occurred SundaY whes Mr and Mrs A Erd and two etilldres were driving down Mission ridge The Or nese broke and threw them to the ground Mrs Erd's shoulder being bruised but with no other Alberta See gle is expected home this week frotn Paris Seagle and Willie Seegle ber gone to New York City Mrs Mat7 has gone te Bale Creek to be the Veit Mrs Oscar Holman tertidned with an auto party Weduestis3' in honor of her guest MitiS Annie O'Kelley of Mississippi Mrs Allen and Mrs Dia Swinney chaperoned the affair--Tbs Mothers club meets Friday afternoon with Mra Ben Bush The nojetIng 'was post- poned on aecount of sickliest from May 2 A Asher and daughter las Vera Asher of Trenton Mo are the roasts of Mr and Mrs Alinut MI Porest avenue--Miss Annie Hampton will be ths ha ay it la at ut he lot st tk tA rg kfi wit 114 it ed lit rig es It Mit ire le I tam The visitor was the honoree of a bridge party Thursday afternoon Thursday night Miss Sallie Marshall entertained with a neighborhood party for the visitor i Mr and Mrs Adler leave today to attend the graduation exercises of lAiwrenceville school at Lawrenceville where their non Julius is valedictorian of the graduating class Mrs Adler and Julius sail for Europe June 16 to be gone until September Mn' James Lupton has returned from a visit to her mother In Clarksville Mrs Jordan of North Carolina will sleeve next week to visit her niece Mrs Sholar Mr and Mrs II Williams and two little daughters and Misses Alice and -Elizabeth Sharp left yesterdsy for a stay of ten days at Rhea Springs Mr and Mrs Pettus returned Thursday from a stay ofseveral weeks at Whittle Springs Mrs Lewis Dtmean and son returited Thursday from a two weeks' visit to relatives at Mr and Mrs McMahon who have been residing on Mabel street will leave this week for Stevenson Ala to make their home Mr and Mrs Swaney and family will move to Walden's ridge this week i tam The visitor was the honoree of a A SAFE AND SANE FOURTH I St Elmo News Notes Paul Mi Ilsaps has returned from a business trip to Bales has returned to his home in Alabama after a vialt with his sister Mrs Wallace Farmer spent last week with 'Mrs James 'Light Green and two children of Harriman arrived Sunday to spend some time with'Mr and Mrs Rachel McAllester returned yesterday'from a visit with her sister Mrs Lynn Mitchell in Cuba Ala The little son of Mr and Mrs Steer is quite sick at the home of his parents on Alabama Quarrel's of Brunswick Ga arrived Wednesday for a visit with her daughter Mrs Everett Bowman Poster of Rising Pawn Ga spent last week with Mr Ross and family on Alabama Kath- erne fluster and Hazel Ray of Richmond Ind are the guests of Miss Inez and Mrs Walter Spencer will call their little son James Emily Wilson has arrived from New York to spend the summer wieh her parents Dr and Mrs IL Lucy Mcnu*tt and two brothers Boyd and Henry left Thursday to visit relatives in Birmingba Roxie Malone entertained with a miscellaneous shower Wednesday night in honor of Miss Carrie Allen of Summerville Betts and daughter Miss Helen will leave this month for a visit in New Byrd end Miss Myrtle Ivy of Salt Lake City left yesterday for Morristown atter a visit with Mrs -Sisson left Saturday for New York to join Mrs Sisson for a visit Rev A Kelly and the Rev I Sorrell have returned from Rising Pawn Ga where they attended quarterly conference of the church Wilhone will return next week from college In Alabama-----Mrs Wheland has reinrned f-om a visit with her daughter Mrs Carpenter in Bailie and Margaret Beagle are spending some time in Sale Creek with their aunt Mrs A Gordon has gone to the city for a visit with relatives after a visit with Mrs A Nash vrilitleave the last of the month for Chicago for a visit with Mr and Mrs' Edward Charlotte Patten will return front school In New York next Annie Dean Ellis will accompany Miss Nell GrIscom to Omaha to spend the Margaret Parr has gone to Martinsburg Ind to make her 'Woman's hom*o Mission society of 'the Methodist church will 'meet Tuesday afternoon at the church at 2:30 o'clock---Mr and Mrs J- A Patteu will open their -bome on Walden's ridge next week--Mr and Mrs Egerton end children have returned from a visit with relatives in Topeka Adkins and Miss Dot Mcnu*tt left Thursday tor a visit with friends In Valley Head 3 A Perry of Alabama and Mr and Mrs-J Kelse of Charlotte C-are the guests of Mrs Sane Betts returned Wednesday from school in Cleveland Walter Philpot of Chicago will arrive this month for a visit with her parents Mr and Mrs R' Wilbokte----Miss Mary Hannah returned Monday from a visit with relatives in Johnson left Monday for Chicago to spend some time with his aunt Mrs regular monthly business meeting Of the Ettworth league of the Methodist church- will be held Tuesday night at the A Scott of the IL Tacoma has returned to New York after a -vhsit with friends Will Means and little son Howard left yesterday for a visit with friends In E)pworth League Study Circle has been postponed front Thursday night June 9 to Friday night June IT The meeting will be- held with Albert Jack DeGaliford bast returned to her bome-irv Memphis after a visit with Mr and Mrs George DeGaliford News and Gossip from East- Chattanooga Kindergarten- will been Monday at the Avondale school' building All children over 3 years of age will be received also an first-reader pupils W' Dirvis'ot the losiery mills- will pay all expenses of the Ischool----The-Arandale Ladies' Md met in St Elmo News Notes Paul Millsaps has returned from a business trls to Bales ahavaiRtiettuwrinut Jos his home in Alabama after bil sister Mrs Wallace Farmer spent last week with 'Mrs James udy Green and two ch ildren of Harriman artived Sna 0 relatives in Topeka Nan--Mra I kins and Miss Dot 31eNutt left tor a visit with friends in Valle Ala--- Mrs A Perry tit Alabo WL fitte- of allel" -1)t Jura' Er- Betts returned from school in Cleveland 0--Mn Philpot of Chicago awill arrive th for a visit with ber parents Mr I R- Wilboite--misa mart Hs lunar Monday from visit With a eveland4---Tom Johnson left roc Chicago to spend some time aunt Mrs monthly business meeting of the league of the Methodist church held Tuesday night at the church Scott of the Tacoma has to New York after a visit vitt Will Means and lit Howard left yesterday for a 11 friends in Atian'ta---The Dpwortl Study Circle has been postpou Thursday night June 9 to Frith June TT The meeting Albert Burger Mra Jack returned to her borne In Memphi visit with Mr and Mrs Georg De News and Gossip Prom East-Chattanooga- Kindergarten- will been Monda1 kvondale school' building Ail alt 11 over 9 years of age will be recel reader pupil isi nevi ts 8- W- hosiery mills- vAll pav all expense rA1 A i AGIV a social session with Mrs 0 Green this Rev Claude Sprague will conduct a merles of tent meetings in Avon dale beginning Sunday--The Rev Thomas Priddy will preach at Ebenezer church Sunday afternoon at Memorial Sunday school picnics at Chickamauga Thursday The start is to be made at 8:30 union meeting of the Hamilton county Sunday schools last Sunday was very enthusiastic The Chickamauga school conducted by Mrs Perry won the banner for best attendance Arrangements were made for a house-to-house canvass throughout Hamilton county with the purpose of inducing every child to attend some Sunday school All the Sunday schools are arranging to unite in an outing at Mineral park At this gathering: a banner is offered to the Sunday school which shall be adjudged to show the best and most faithful work in a singing contest to take place large number of East Chattanooga people are arranging to attend the all-day singing given at Georgetown next Sunday Dinner will be served on the Christian Endeavor picnic St East take Friday will be partly In honor of Miss Nell Murralr who goes to Georgia with her mother Mrs Jennie Murray the first of the week to join a camp lug party for the entire Smith for twenty-four years passenger conductor on the Southern and a brother of Mrs Edmundson and Mrs Igou of Sherman Heights made a misstep and fell fro-m his train suffering the loss of one arm He is doing as well as could be Lockwood shipped My fowls from his poultry farm averaging 414 to 5 pounds weight He sold them at 12 cents per Ruby Carter has returned from a visit to friends In -union temperance meeting at The Chamberlain Avenue Baptist church completed the first circuit of all the East Chattanooga churches The Revs Snyder Miller Fitch and Wilson took pert in the exercises Miss Margaret Lockwood read a paper and Miss Vesta Jenkins gave a Sunday at the residence of Prof and Mrs Bell of Graysville oceurred the marriage of Miss Emma Young daughter of Mr and Mrs A Young of East Chattanooga and William Varner of Soddy They are now stopping with the bride's parents on -Dodson and Mrs--W Dundee who are now at Hot Springs Ark are soon to visit their mother Mrs Edith Copeland of Bradt Graham is entertaining her mother and sister from Mr and Mrs Jerry Cooper have removed to their new home in Highland Park---The Avondale baseball club will play Roseville Saturday at- their fine new grounds On Missionary George Shaw of Richard City Tenn Is visiting her parents Dr and Mrs Barnes Dv Blakemnre of Rock Island IlL is also their Carrie Jones of FriendN- sister of Mrs Lea has been visiting with May Renshaw goes as a delegate from- the Junior league of King Memorial church to the June conference which meets in Virginia and Atm Nichols entertnitted the Rev and Mrs Sprague the Rev Strouse and the Rev Cummings with a dinner party the first of the week-- Mrs Joe 11ertin of Jefferson street' has teen -entertaining Mrs George Martin of Philadelphia' this week----Mrs Roberta of Jefferson street is expecting her daughter Mrs C- Wiesener of Somer ville Ky to spend several days with her- William Stevens and two deugh tem Margaret and Dorothy have-returned from Gainesville Fla where she has been 'mending the winter with her Mr and Mrs Joe Martin and children start Saturday on a visit to Mr Martin's sister Mrs Oscar Johnson of Daisy-----Mrs Josie Vann and children who have been visiting Mrs Vann's mother Mrs Anthony' returned to their bonze In Apison this week --Walter Igoe has just returned from An- niston Ir Ragan has moved to McCarty where be will occupy the 13 Iludson home-----Mr and Mrs John Mc- Millin returned- to their" old home in Mill City this week after living for some time in East-Chattanooga--Elbert Shipley was buried from his home on Sunday afternoon' He had been an invalid from childhood-- Contractor Cava has closed a contract with the National Bauxite company to -remove 40000 ruble yards of dirt for them from their Mission ridge Rev and Ides- Ernest Ritchie are visiting thairWireata Mr- and Mrs Kitehle-----stra social session with Mr Green thig Rev Claude Sprague will con- duct a series of tent meetings in Avon dale beginning Bev Thomas Priddy will preach at Ebenezer church Sun- day afternoon at memorial sundsir school picnics st chickamanga Thursday The start Is to be made at 830 union meeting of the Ham- hk ilton county Sunday schools last Sunday WR VPrt PII hil RIR Fah The Cicsmanca chased on Fair leigh street of Mrs Lydia Sam Edmunson is Inez King is the guest of the Misses Ford is visiting Miss Myrtle I Lacewell wee a guest in our suburb this entire community sy-mpathise with Prof and Mrs Rogers in the death of their infant daughter Christiana and Mrs William Roberts spent the weekend with their mother Mrs Roberts --Mrs 1- A Legg left Sunday night on a two weeks' vistt to homefolks at and near Sa Itillo Hutchinson old- eat son of the Rev- and Mrs Hutchinson has been very ill for the past week but Is slightly Anthony who has been seriously 111 is much Mr Garber and daughter left Tuesday night for a two months' absence in Ohio and Luther Wells lett Sunday night to visit her son James' who is at Port Smith Nichols has returned from Harrison where she has been visiting at the home of Dr Mary Gerber returned from the lock and dam Wednesday Mrs A Burford of Memphis is Intending to spend the month of June with her daughter Mrs Pearl Oscar Crisman of St Elmo is to enter- tam the Kidwell-Larkin club of East Chattanooga with a social on Thursday evening and Ora Centime of Birchwood are spending several weeks with friends Bane wbo was injured by an electric ear while painting on Chamberlain avenue bridge is out of the hospital Connor is at Worth Ten aLt visiting her sister Mrs Esther Gross of Birchwood is visiting her brother at his botne on Bradt Mrs Joste Leslie left Sunday for Easlen after spending a few weeks with her aunt Mrs Mrs Harry Bush and two children of Youngstown Pa are visiting witho'Mr and Mrs Ames of Avondale Mill City Gossipy Notes Mrs A Frazier will entertain the Book club Wednesday week at the Cedars Conner and family are removing Ithis week to their summer home on the to Mr and Mrs Albert Dale a datughter-----Miss Annie O'Kelley of Retches Miss is the guest of Mile Beide Allen on svenue----Milton the baby son of Mr and Mrs George Haley le desperately ill with Abernathy has returned from Florida where be spent the peat Miss Henrietta Knov returned Sunday afternoon from'-a month's stay with her grandmother Mrs Wheeler In Charleston Edith Hartwig's guest Mrs Lind-se has returned home after a week's Wheeler came from Charleston today to visit his daughter Mrs Ern set and Mrs William Nene ad little boy are for the present at home with the former's parents in the Miss Mlle Williams en route home train Belmont to Oklahoma is the guest of her C011ete Miss Allis Northside Five Hundred club was entertained Thura day afteruooi1 by Miss Allie John Friedel has had as her guest bet sister and brother from Huntsville who have returned lionie---Mrs John Bacon and little son who have spent the past several months with her parents In Georgetown came home Bonner entertained -a number of young people Tuesday- afternoon in honor of her young sister Miss Beulah Bonner Games were played and cream and cake- were served Those present were: Mrs Fred- Bennett Mrs -Bonner and Miss Ethel Bonner Misses Willett Denton Estella Otte Caine Otte Clara Allen Mildred Allen Sadie Peay Myrtle Peay Beesie Lord Charlotte Stauffer Arbutus Thomas Grace Bush Su- san Crox Sammie Ault Vashti Ault RubY Alien Itilltired Bush Grsce Wilkerson Marguerite-Haley Lens Allen Kitty School-field Amy Fleshman- Ada Brown Robbie Spradling 'Willie Newton and daughter Alberta after a several latonths' sojourn in Knoxville- have re- turned and are at borne In t1et Thompson cottage on Forest Hattie Hord and little girl will spend today with relatives in Sale Creek---Miss Emma Suddeth of Harriman'is the guest of her aunt Mrs Tom Stantleld------Miss Capitols Willianui has gone to Birmingham to speno a enonthwith relatives-----Ales E-Johns son bas returned from a yisit with rela tiers lu-Bridgeport-----Illas Lasle-Alleu chased on rairleigh street of Mrs Lydia Sam Edmunson is Inez King is the guest of the Misses Ford Is visiting Miss Myrtle Lacenvell watt a guest In our suburb this en- tire community sympathize with Prof and Mrs Rogers in the death of their in- fant daughter Christiana and Mrs William Roberts spent the week- endwiththeir mother Mrs Roberts Lydia Smith and daughter Willie Gertrude are visitiog her sister Mrs Green Han- ancoedk'soorif CUGeorveglean IMmrspro vliSrng ed3heayidther Carter returned from Graysville Ga Rosa Stephens entertained a week-end party at the old Engers homestead this Ragan traveling salesman for the Gloria Light company spent Tuesday with his sister Miss Minnie and Mrs Hudson have moved into their new Mrs David Teague left this morning for the home of her daughter Mrs Delia Thomas Harmond died Sunday evening leaving a husband and several small children She was buried at Rev Sherrill has sold his line residence at King's Point to James Bender foreman of the Chattanooga Lumber company who will occupy it as a summer home--L Perry has Joined the East Chattanooga Automobile Nettie Jones nes returned from a week's visit to her sister Mrs Lucy Thomas Light daughter of Mr and Mrs Polk Webb was badly brutsed and cut by falling beneath a buggy overturned when her horse started to back down an embankment last week but is doing as well as could be Tallafarro returned from Knoxville and Mrs Eldridge are entertaining their nephew Ralph and Mrs Brown are soon to occupy their beautiful new home on Dodson and Mrs Charles Birester and Mr and Mrs Sam Henderson have just returned from a week-end party of relatives and friends at Walton is entertaining her sister Mrs and Gus Igou are in Ringgold visiting their uncle Hanco*ck whose foot wiunteruahed in an accident a short time ago is now able to be out on Claude Ray is ill at the home of her sister Mrs I) Taney is entertaining his father James Talley' of Birchwood a gentleman 83 years of Wilkey Henry has returned to her home in Soddy after spending several days with Dr and Mrs Wilkinson and lit-Ile SOD Edwin of Rome Ga will spend the summer with Miss Fannie Lord Margaret Ford is expected home early in June She will stop at San Francisco Seattle Spokane and Chicago on-her way to Mr and Mrs John Castle on May 30 a son who hes been christened John Castle and Mrs Kennetty'loet by death this week their colored servant Frank who was 75 years old and and been in the family- over twenty years billy Keith who has been so very ill is slowly and Mrs John Trimble are receiving congratulations on the arrival of an infant son bora May 27----C1arles Cannon and family moved to their new home corner of Union and Dodds avenues the first of the Mr: and Mrs Sam Hanco*ck are entertaining their sister Mtge Nannie Hanco*ck Mr and Mrs Wallace will spend the week-end with Mr and Mr Walton at their home on the ridge--- Nell Murray and TCIemmIe and Fannie Seagle will spend the week-end with Mr and Luther Allen at their King' Point farm--Miss Ella Bridwell of Birmingham is visiting with Mr and Mrs Wen of -Glass and Mn Robert -Burns Mrs Joe- Clark and Mn Bidwell have returned from their trip to (Ieorgetewn--Mrs -fl Browder and 'two -children who' hays been -visiting at the residence of her lorotherv Dr Byrd for the past "twip weeks left Saturday morning accompanied by her mother Mrs Billingsby They' will visit friends la 9weetwaterand London before returning to her home in Harriman-- Mrs C- B- Lee was for many years a resident of East-Chattanooga and her funeral conducted by her former pastor the Her Park 'raylor was attended by a large awnbert of her East Chattaniooga Francisco has 'returned from Georgetown where be attended- the burial services of- his daughter Mrs William Moon Biondie Habco*ck of Jersey is the truest of berfeetednLnelle MIas Gussie Kane 'is -visiting her cousin Miss Maltase Bassenger of Athen-- Frank Snider 'has a position in Cleveland where he will go to live for the present -Boyd Dixon little girl is recovering from tbe iniuries she received from her recent fall off the porch--Mrs Joe -Maxon and children- of Atlanta Ga are visiting her slater Mrs Sam Renshaw DRyrner is -making extensive improvements -nit- the home-- tut -recently put Lydia Smith and daughter Willie Grertrude are visitiog her sister Mrs Green Han- co*ck of Caeveland Mrs Snyder and son George are Improving in health- 7----1114 Carter returned from taraysvine ka ruesdey--Miss Rosa Stephens enter- tained a k-end party at the old En homestead this liagiul traveling salesman for the Gloria Light com- Tuesely wilhullis eteil lints I Mrs Ben Baird of DArlington SO is the guest of Dr A Banks aud family Miss Annie 'Keith rrazief is entertaining Miss Kate Fitts of Texas at her home on Oak btreet Miss Frazier will entertain for her guest at an early date Mrs if llessey and daughter teila have returned from a brief stay at Knights' springs arise TIMM? Will at an early dst te and daughter tom a brief stay Cbickamauga chapter las joined the movement for a "safe and sane Fourth of July" in which so many of the Daughters throughout the country are interesting themselves The chapter will lend 1t influence to assist Mayor Thompson in furnishing amusem*nts for the day which will take the place of the dangerous and death-dealing firecracker According to a writer in the Monthly- magazine the organ of the AA "Throughout the country chapters of the National society Daughters of the American Revolution are busy planning entertainments for the Fourth of the "day of days" in which patriotic organizations are interested Last year Ithe Western Reserve Chapter of Cleveland assistedin the plans for a rational celebration of the Fourth of July and the members took an active part in the activities of the day This year the regent of the Western Reserve chapter Mrs -Edward Harris is one of--a committee of five members'representing the city and anpotnted to plan the celebration of Independence i day in Cleveland and Sirs Elroy ofthat chapter former vice-president-general of the national society and editor of the American Monthly Magazine is a member of the committee of three hundred appointed to carry out the plans made by the committee of five In the interest of patriotism and humanity the Denver chapter Daughters of the American Revolution: obtained the indorsem*nt of a movement for a "safe and sane" celebration of the Fourth of July from the governor of Colorado the mayor of Denver and from the -park board The chapter sent out a request to twenty patriotic societies asking co-operation with the chapter in plans for the celebration of July 4 1910 'This joint committee is called the "Denver Patriotic league" and from it committees have been formed to carry out the plans made Two prizes-415 and $10 offered in 1900 for the beat essays written by high school pupils on the Proper and: More Patriotic Observation of the Fourth of JOLT- "910" The subject for 1910 is 'Patriotic plification in the United States" sg 47 regent of the Western Reserve chapter Mrs 'Edward Harris is one of a committee of five member te s'representin the city and anpotnted to iplan the cele- bration of Independence day in Cleve- land and Mrs Elroy WAvery of chapter former vice-president-general of the national society rand editor of the American Monthly Magazine is a mem- her of the committee of three hundred appointed to carry out the plans made by the committee of five In the interest of patriotism and hn- manitythe Denver chapter Daughters of the American Revolution obtained the indorsem*nt of a movement for a "safe and sane celebration of tut Fourth of July from the governor of Colorado the mayor of Denver and from the -park board The chapter sent out to Patriotic societies a ren -ues twenty be asking co-operation with the capter in plans for the celebration of July 4 1910 This joint committee is called the "Denver Patriotic league" and from it committees hare been formed to carry out the plans made Two prizes-415 and $10 offered in 1900 for the best essays written by high school pupils on the subiect-'A Proper and More Patriotic Observation of the Fourth of July- a910" The su tn for 1910 is Honor---Its Exe plification in the United States" I Mrs- Holntes and brother I rlolmes will leave the latter part of this month for Dallas Tex for a three weeks 'visit to their sister Mrs Itiehards 31rs Datbrey and son Charles ace recently -purchased the Muse at YA Tine street the former regidence of Mr and 31ra anare uow making their home there- nd brother I It- latter part of this ex for a three ister Mrs a and son Charles ed the Muse at rimer reeidence of '1eal atakare now re WOMAN'S REPUTATION It Needs Defense Against the Out bursts of Psychological Muckrakers (New York World) Are all the old illusions about woman to go? The Massachusetts professor cf psychology who called her a savage now alleges that "her- honesty especisfiYila financial Alatters-: is 'very nearly a Cage of pure fiction" Weinatell reputation of superior how esty was acquired before she beme the subject of psycholegical professors began to study her as art would an entomMogical specimen analyze dissect and classify her charse- 0 ter It may' be that the sex is not sg honest as has been' thought It is possi- We that: speaking generally wonilde dependence on 'masculine caprice fos come bare means of InPPat and the necessity she 'has been under eg obtaining 'money for herself by indirect methods have to- brunt her Pel- ceptions of moral value in finance It was not a woman who made the di covez7 that mone3r znay be tainted But the greater industrial and 1 Kcial independe 1 nce of correct the atilt Yet all women look to 'men for examples- of abstract honesty? Borer that ma3r1be if womat is to retain ant shreds of her reputation it is clear that she should engage experts for her de- fenee against the psychological muck- raking to which her character bag centlY 'been exposed The case for prosecution has presented w'''' such -animosity that a little comPetett' evidence in rebuttal would be welcome- I 1 rm Neat mother of tansger 0-A of the Bijou is visiting Mrs Mrs -Neal will go to I)art VIL the middle of the wetk to the summer with relatives Irs A- Neal and dsughter Rose llen are the guests of her rutrents in AI She will join Mrs Neal Coolidge leaves Tuesdey night the east to spend June in Boston Aczust on Col 110net costa O- loiting 3 33 will go to Dan- of the Week to relatives a td daughter Rose of her parents in II join Mrs a a Tnesday night I June in Boston -ns cosat 77- 7 en- 1.

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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