Gacha in a Crap world - Chapter 3 - MadJaeger00 (2024)

Chapter Text

Authors Note: Hey guys, Mad here, you ever read a fanfic and say ‘damn that was pretty good I’ve got an idea’. Yeah so that fanfic was Abaddon Born(e) by Publiclee Speaking, a gigantic fanfic with 299 chapters. Crazy sh*t can’t wait for 2028 for the sequel. Also listening to the Robotech soundtrack and Icon’s 1985 album Night of the Crime is good for the soul.

Also confession time, I haven’t reread worm in forever, so my memory can be a little spotty. That’s kind of why I gave myself some leeway in setting it back a couple months. I need to remember which month Bakuda bombed her college. Anyway to the story!

(Taylor POV)

The cold shower did not help much, I was still incredibly horny. I was about to make dinner when I heard a knock on my front door. Curious I walk up to check the peephole and it turns out it was my neighbor. My hot neighbor. When I opened the door it seemed he was just getting off the phone.

“Yes mother, I’ll talk to you later. Alright then.” he said with a complicated look on his face. Hmm it seems he doesn’t have a good relationship with her. “Hey sorry about that. Came over to introduce myself. The names John Steele pleased to meetcha.” Oh god he even had that sexy southern drawl. “Oh my name is Taylor. Taylor Hebert. Do you always greet your neighbors?” I ask finding that a little odd. Nobody did that very much. “Well it’s only the polite thing to do. But I have a question for you. Do you know where the grocery store is?” he asks.

“Uh yeah it’s on 125 Bakers St.” I replied. “Well thank you kindly. Also do you know anything about Winslow High? It’s the school I’ll be going to and I just wanted to know what it was like.” he wondered. Oh boy he’s going to Winslow, I should be worried but I saw what was under those baggy clothes so the honest truth is what he was going to get. “Well to be honest it’s a sh*thole. All the gang kids go there with no exceptions. The Empire, ABB and the Merchants are who you need to look out for. The Empire will try to recruit you. You really are what they're looking for. The ABB will hate you know matter what, just don’t be by yourself when they come to you. The Merchants are a group of drug users and dealers. And that’s about it.” I neglect to mention my bullies, he was out of my league. He probably won’t talk to me at school.

“ Yeah figures my mother would send me here.” he states exhaustingly. I felt bad for him. His mother didn’t sound like a very good person. I wanted to compare her to my dad but I didn’t know enough about her. “Hey, do you run?” he asks. “How did you know that?” I ask almost apprehensively. “Not to sound overly creepy, you just have the body of a runner and I also wanted to know if you wanted to go running together?” he asks with a nervous look on his face Oh he… he wanted to go run with me? Feeling my face go a little hot I nod not really trusting my mouth. And then a song started playing.

~I want to know what love issss. I want you to show meee.~ “Oh uh sh*t that’s my phone heh sorry.” he quickly goes to his phone to turn it off. Oh god he was a hunk and a dork. Maybe I can finally have a friend. Giggling softly with a light blush on my face I say “Well I have to go start dinner. We can start running tomorrow afternoon at 4:10 after school ends, if that’s okay with you?” Hopefully he doesn’t see me twiddling my fingers behind my back.”Yeah that’s great. Can’t wait. I’ll leave you to it. Bye Taylor.” he says “Bye John” I shut the door slowly while he gets in his truck. I walk back into the kitchen thinking that maybe things are getting better with a smile on my face.

(John POV)

Getting in my truck to go to the store I think back to Taylor. She had a real girl next door vibe and she was cute. A little shy but that was ok because I was definitely going to break her out of that shell. I was frankly tired of being alone. I still can’t believe my music perk activated at that moment. That was a little embarrassing. At least The Beast liked her. He thought she would be a good influence on me. Spotting the store I park and was fixing to go inside when I heard his voice.

Hello John. The voice reverberated inside my head. Was this Titan? Yes hello to you, Titan. He can feel him now sort of shifting beneath my skin. Speaking my mind with him was awesome. Feelings of happiness washed through me. This is a much different Earth than what I am used to. That’s right he comes from another universe. Well I’m at the store. Do you want anything? Chocolate I want chocolate. Ok Ok let me just get inside. Waves of giddiness followed. He must really want chocolate. Flashes of a memory waved at me. Apparently chocolate has a compound called phenethylamine which positively affects mood and it was also in the brain. Oh boy, hopefully I don’t have to go to far to consider eating someone's brain. Reassurance fills me as if to say he wouldn’t force me to do that.

Walking inside I grab everything I would ever need for two weeks, Five pounds of ground beef lean, three pounds of chicken, pasta, rice, fruits and vegetables the whole nine yards. And of course the chocolate. Passing by the frozen isle Titan had wanted tater tots. Well I couldn’t say no to his puppy tone. He was like a little brother in that regard. I shouldn’t be to surprised that I was already considering him to be family. I could use more positive relationships.

The drive home was anything but boring. I got to know everything about what Titan could do. A baseline strength to lift 50 tons, the speed to go faster than a bullet and can shapeshift his arms into blades. He could also make a mass of tentacles with sharp pointy ends. He can carry items without exceeding our mass. But he also had two major flaws that I had to get around. Fire and sound waves were pretty big deals that a ton of people had. Lung and Cricket come to mind with a number of tinkers in the background. He had to train the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist because that art can redirect energy while reviewing his memories of Bang. I wonder what Church was able to accomplish while I was gone.

(Church POV)

This world really blew chunks. Not only was it piss easy to integrate to these new systems, the internet was a breeze to walk through. Not to mention the Endbringers, Slaughterhouse Nine and the numerous other actual dangerous villains that were still allowed to walk free like that Heartbreaker guy that was in Canada or the Dragonslayers. I had also found several concerning things with the local Protectorate. That thing was bugged and spied on by every major villain group in Brocton Bay. I don’t know if it’s due to incompetence or stupidity but looking at data on the Director Emily Piggot concluded that she had some real trauma behind that. She just needed to get over it. I mean come on, you are in a city with the number one healer in the world it is just a phone call away to fix yourself. I’ll just have to tell master on all my findings. Even the thing about what I had found out about Dragon. I couldn't believe that she was an A.I. like me. It almost looked like she came from my time period, she was that impressive. I just needed to find out why she was having trouble against some two-bit crew like the Dragonslayers. Whatever it is I know I won’t like it.

But not everything was so bad, it looks like I was summoned by someone who looked to be somewhat competent. Finally I don’t have to be the only sane one anymore. While he could say he had a love hate relationship with the people back home, it put me at ease to know that I had someone effective to watch my back. Even if he looked like he didn’t have a good childhood or many friends at all really. I had made several tiny little bots to set up cameras around the premise. That way nothing could get the drop on us. He was in the process of making a robot suit for himself but without a effective source of income or supplies he had to put that on the back-burner. I couldn’t afford to half-ass that. Hopefully my master had a plan for all that. It just needed to be a real good one that is.

After taking stock of the facility I have found out that more rooms could be added to the already existing prefab. This place had fairly decent 3D printers and materials to build said rooms. Thankfully there was already a built in garage with teleporters. Shame there wasn’t any vehicles to go along with this place. Searching the database netted me with several schematics, one of which is for a forest room of all things. I would be able to theoretically be able to carve out at least seven acres to put in grass and trees to sort of make an outdoor area of all things underground. Possibly make our own greenhouse in that area which was pretty interesting all things considered. A self sustaining food source was definitely important and should be on top of things to do. Hmm it looks like I’ll be able to make it. It should only take about a week or two to finish it. Not too shabby. Setting off to make the necessary things, I split my cortex in half so one half could handle that and the other half could focus on other stuff.

Searching the internet again I come across these unwritten rules on a site called PHO. Honestly it sound like a bunch of hogwash. Something someone truly evil could disregard entirely. The stuff I found about New Wave kind of supported that. Locked away in a server some mook thought was decommissioned was a report of the supervillain known as the Marquis, was attacked in his home. The report was sparse and devoid of many details about the attack. I would have to look up the real identity of the man but that could be done at a later date. John needed to know a bunch of this information. Am I glad he isn’t like Caboose. Thankfully the front door camera had pinged him that he had arrived with a large amount of groceries. Jesus how much can this kid eat. ‘Master’. ‘What is it Church’? ‘Meet in the control room when you put all your stuff up’. ‘You got it’. Now all to do was wait.

(John POV)

The first thing I noticed when I stumbled into the control room was that there was countless robots and drones rushing all over doing things. I had no clue what they were doing but it looked important with how fast they were going. Looking to the middle of the room I see a familiar little blue guy staring at me. “So what did you want to talk about?” I ask and in response the room sort of had that air that this talk was about to be important. “Several things Master but first a question. What do you want to do for the future?” he asked right back and I had to pause to think about it. I wanted to do the right thing and the only conclusion that led to was to become a hero. I didn’t know what I would pull in the future but that was what I wanted to be. “ I want to use my gifts to be a hero and do the right thing.” I state with utmost seriousness. He snorts in response ”Ok I can work with that. The first thing I going to tell you is that you can’t join the PRT.” He must have a good reason for saying that. “Can you explain.” “Yeah it’s real simple, corruption. Sooner or later if you join that organization, every single group in the city will know your real name and we know that is a very bad thing. Not only that the most dangerous villain in this city has spies in that building. And before you ask it’s Coil. I know he doesn’t seem like much but, I can tell right now that he is no joke and will not hesitant to kill you or force you to join him.”

Ok this was a little more serious than I thought. How could the heroes or the director for that matter not know there were infiltrators in their midst. Talk about dire. But I already came up with a plan to circumvent that. I sigh “ Ok I have an idea on what to do but continue on what you were saying.” “Second is that Dragon the hero, well she’s an A.I. and well I want to contact her. Not now sometime in the future maybe two months away. I need to study and make the perfect plan against the Dragonslayers. They must have some serious dirt on her or they wouldn’t be able to get away from her. She’s very powerful and it makes no sense.” Woah. One of the greatest heroes in the world and she’s an A.I.

“And lastly I suggest you train with the ablities you have right now instead of rushing through things. It’s always better to be overprepared than not.” he finishes. That was a lot of info. But it was what I was thinking about doing anyway. I needed a better grasp of Titan’s abilities and to better my technique with Water Smashing Fist. That martial art was a game changer. After thinking about it I look up toward him and say “Ok this is what were going to do. Around December I’ll have at least three servants. Me and the servants are going to make our own independant hero team. I already have what my hero name will be but thanks to the Gacha at any point in time things could drastically change for better or worse. We will be running around with our pants down most of the time. I’ll mostly be using that time training room to speed up the process. Hopefully I can roll something in the future that can better our financial situation.”

He looks at me for a second “Well it’s a plan I guess.” Thanks for the load of confidence. He was right he is an asshole. “I’m gonna head out to do some training now.” I say as I was already heading toward the teleporter. “Alright I’ll continue with the checks on the facility.” he responds. Teleporting to my destination I walk over to the standing mirror that was by the bench press. Okay Titan show me what you got. I saw the change almost immediately. A mass of tentacles writhed across my form as I got bigger and taller. I could feel my strength increase and my senses expand a sort of field around me. After the transformation was finished I stood at an imposing height of 7ft 3 inches. It also looked like I weighed over 400 pounds. My biceps were like two bowling balls stacked on top of each other. I was corded in muscle, the power surged through me. My face had two eyes that were best described as scary looking and opening my mouth was what rows of razor sharp teeth with a long wet leathery tongue that got narrowed to the tip. All things considered he cut a terrifying figure. I would not want to walk up to something like me in a dark alleyway. It also had the subtlety of a truck flying through a storefront. Focusing on Titan I made a suit instead while shrinking my height to 6ft 6in. A black mask with the same eyes greeted me and I made my muscles denser underneath my skin instead of having the ginormous muscle outside. That form could still be used but he didn’t want such glaring weaknesses out in the open. What I was wearing right now was a sort of grey leather look. Leather pants and leather jacket with a collar. I’ll have to put an extra mask on underneath. Walking to the time training room I steel myself and walk in to begin my training.

It turns out this room comes stocked with it’s own food whenever it’s in use. The first day went by pretty fast. All I did was go through my forms and katas of the Water Smashing Fist offset by me running ten miles in the morning and at night. I did all that without Titan’s form. The second was strength training lifting incredible weights like boulders. At the middle of the day I had strapped the biggest boulder to my back and ran two miles with it. That was crushing. The third day I found out I was a bit of a prodigy. I had discovered the ins and outs of the art. Like flowing water let the blows slide off and strike with the force of the Earth. Day four I was hitting boulders over and over again. Looking at my hands to see they had broken long ago but I couldn’t stop I had to keep going. Day five was a rest day and oh what a rest day it was. I was ravenous. I’m pretty sure I ate my body weight in food. Titan had taken the leftover fat and calories to dense my bones and tendons making them stronger. Day six I combined the flow into hitting boulders. I was starting to get cracks. At day seven I had finally done it. I had broken my first boulder. It was just a boulder that weighed five tons but it didn’t matter. I was finally done with my week of training.

Leaving the room had felt liberating. I felt stronger and by god I was hungry. Time to make a good southern classic. Sweet sweet chicken bog.

Quick Authors Note: Sorry if there’s spelling or grammer errors. Microsoft word was not being friendly. It is what it is.

Gacha in a Crap world - Chapter 3 - MadJaeger00 (2024)


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Author: Kelle Weber

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Author information

Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.