Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

a a a a a a 7 Subject for Camera Fans 'In Your Own Back Yard' Multitude of Pictures Observer-Dispatch. neighborhood kids get into. Church Supper or picnic--or outing -or the one organized by your office or organization--a tailor picture story. Goin' -there must be a pond, river, stream or lake nearby. The Circus Comes' to Tour -or kid again for a day.

the State Fair -and every ong'ts a School Prom- Graduation Dayor Confirmation--the highlights of your children's school activities -with camera focussed on the little sidelights that make it a personal event for lasting memory. Winter Wonderland--a good snowfall changes familiar landscapes around us to new pictorial scenics. Holidays Halloween is currently in season with Thanksgiving and Christmas just ahead. How it. comes to each of us is good picture material.

To start with, how about picture of the more colorful costumes of the kids that come to your for a "Trick or Treat?" What flashguns available for even the inexpensive cameras, this is no longer a problem- in lighting, day or. night. speaking of colorful costumes makes it appropriate to suggest using color film for the occasion. A daylight tour of the neighborhood could provide outdoor pictures of the dressed up youngsters, singly and in groups, for those with no flash available. Here's another angle- -how about following one youngster (maybe your own?) from door to door? A look at the people from over his shoulder might make an.

interesting series--if good enough technically for publication (that's my idea). If, instead you are rewarded for your efforts by a carefully aimed broom or a pail of water directed by some irate citizen, aroused to action by too many previous "Trick or Treaters." remember it 'was Dante Tranquille's original idea -and go back to your own back yard!" A "TRICK OR TREAT?" al weary youngster catches the eye and roving camera of. Dante as part of a Halloween By IRVING DESFOR AP Newsfeatures "Picturing the world. sounds like large scale, pro professional assignment; In Your own back yard', brings it down to size and with the scope of every photographer, amateurs too. That was the theme of Dante Tranquille, chief photographer of Utica Observer-Dispatch, at the recent Rochester Photo Conference.

In his audience were over 200 editors, photographers and publication but for this one talk there could have been you, as a photo fan, or the local camera club members. Tranquille has' provided a full page of pictures every Sunday for past years and there's no danger of running out of ideas. He make a picture story. out of almost any incident--and so can. you, with a little thought.

Picture ideas are universal and can be applied anywhere. "'In the past few years I've gotten to khow my own back yard," said it's pretty much like your back yard-or a lot of back yards throughout the. world." Many of the picture page series are of the simple, everyday activities laround us, the routine things that keep community life going. It's when we stop to look at them through camera viewfinder and then study them as photographs that they take on1 significance and interest, provide us with a few chuckles or unleash a "Do you remember when reminiscence. Here are.

some of the picture page stories that appeared under Tranquille's by-line in Utiequally well as there titles for the and see if couldn't serve pages in your own family album: Sunday Afternoon at the Parka camera stroll with a look at the benches, the people and the scenery-or your family, Boys' Club Carnival every neighborhood PAL center has picture possibilities. Sandlot Football--or baseballor stick or whatever games your youngster or the 08 SNAPPER If you lever try this one you'd better come in and let me coach you on how to tell which can the farmer is going tol pour milk into first. Otherwise you may get a bit damp. Some folks are already buying their Christmas gifts and believe me the camera companies are going all out in making simple, easy to use and attractive, gifts units. Kodak will have their Brownie Hawkeye kit -again this year, priced at $13.95 and Argus will have their popular Argus .75 at $23.50, plus a new camera the A-4, for $49.05, make wonderful gifts.

a See you next week. SNAPPER MEYER'S Complete Photographio Dept. 5 L- STARS- SAY 3 By ESTRELLITA For today With the Moon in Gemini this day, the auguries are excellent for all creative affairs and those in the literary world, the arts and the professions should benefit greatly. For the rest, yesterday's challeng. ing auguries continue, promising a particularly lively, enjoyable and eventful day.

Even though it is a Sunday, there is the possibility that you may have to make some important: decision or to consider new contracts or agreements. Take time to study documents, analyze all situations carefully and be ready to act when the new week starts. Take time also for relaxation and recreation. If -today is your birthday, the months ahead should find you in line for sudden promotion, new interests and even, possibly, a change of environment all leading, to achievement beyond your fondest hopes. You are now in the midst of a period where tremendous opportunities should come your wayboth financially and you will be called upon to take direct and decisive action, Take advantage of them for the auguries for success were never better.

New contracts may be signed which, there should are bolster stimulating your fortunes aspects for social as well as business relationships. Prestige and power can be yours during the coming year. 1 3 A child born on this day will be ambitious, aggressive endowed with a great love of power. For Monday, Oct: 26 Do not accept fiancial advice this day unless it is given by someone you know, from past experience, to entirely trustworthy. In personal relationships, you will achieve more by employing kindness and understanding than by insisting on your own will and desires.

Take advantage of opportunities that come your way but do not press for things temporarily beronde your evening hours are excellent for cultural interests, creative hob.bies and all pursuits which stimulate the mind the imagination. Romance and courtship are also If is your birthday, you may look ahead to an unusually lively and stimulating year. It is a year in which initiative and enterprise are favored, with success riding in the wake of daring and original moves especially those involving financial and business matters. Take advantage of opportunities offered while under these excellent aspects and security will be assured. During the next three months enterprises requiring courage, energy and imagination are favored and there are also excellent aspects for development along altruistic lines.

This period also favors social affairs and is conducive to marriage. A child born. on this day will be imaginative, ambitious sincere in all his dealings with HOUSEHOLD HINTS (By International News Service) If the shelves in your medicine cabinet are painted, give them a waxing, and you won't have trouble with sticky bottles and jars in dampweather. racks that aren't en in constant use. Rust forms.

easily on broiler The Gas Appliance Manufacturers Association says the best way to keep the broiler racks in your stove clean and. rust-free is to coat them lightly with mineral oil. A good firs! aid treatment for white rings on varnished wood is to rub the spot with cigaret ash moistened with water. Rub gently with cleansing tissue and then go over the spot with furniture polish. It's difficult to remove skin-hug-1 ging pin feathers when dressing a fowl.

But a corase rubber sponge rubbed against the pin feathers will lift them up enough so that they can easily be removed with tweezers. 14 A Letter from Mr. and Mrs. Yokum Deer Fokes: Oh thank yo all for yore comply-kated ideers on how to git our baby out of that drane-pipe. Most of the ideers were fine, excep that they might of kilt the baby.

and we are agin that, being hundred percent red-blooded American parents. 5P Some fella name of Einstein writ in the ideer that worked, as any fool could have plainly seen by merely reading this noosepaper. Einstein in purty smart but we figgers Honest Abe will grow up to be smarter if he takes after his pappy. Signed Honest Abes (likewise his Mammy) FUNNY BUSINESS BREATH DAWN GEE 1953 10-24 T. M.

U. S. Pot. "Don't get excited, we just painted a coat on her--it's cold in here!" LOVE TRIUMPHANT BY ADELE GARRISON -e Synopsis: In the living room of the Graham suite in the Hotel Lansfield, New York City, Madge Graham gets a telephone call from her husband, Dicky, who says that he will be at the hotel in ten minutes, and does not want to see Bess Conway, FBI aide to Madge's father, Charles Spencer, Government Intelligence Head, he has talked to Madge. There is an urgency in his voice which chills Madge, and when she relays his message to Dicky's mother, the older woman says: "Something's happened.

When Richard comes, you go down with him to his room. I'll keep an eye on Bess and 4. I hoped that my eyes showed my mother the which sincere her admiraand affection promise of aid and cooperation in my latest problem deserved. "One hundred per cent, always, dearest, that's you," I told her, and I could almost hear her purr as she answered me. "Thank you, my dear girl," she said, "but I haven't done anything to deserve your -praise.

Richard evidently has something most important to say to you. Wouldn't I be an awful heel if I didn't give a chance keep him from being interrupted?" "I'm not going to answer that trick question," I told her laughing. "But I'm going to ask you one. Don't you think I'd better wait to order Dicky's dinner until he gets I asked the question solely for the purpose of indulging her love of being consulted, and I was sure of her answer, which came promptly. "By all means, she said.

"He may have eaten, and, if he hasn't, he certainly will want to get whatever's on his mind cleared, before he "Then, eatstancy twiddling our thumbs is the only occupation in sight until Dicky arrives," I said, and she gave a short little laugh. "I'm going to read," she said, picking up a magazine. I followed her example, and neither of us spoke again until. Dicky's knock sounded on the door. When he opened it, he came in swiftly, and there was urgency in his eyes as well as in his movements.

"Bess and Faith safely occupied?" he asked, and his mother answered before I could speak. "'Safe behind bars, and I'm their jailer," she said militantly. "Take HOOSIER HAPPENINGS By HAROLD HANSON Evansville GRANNY a CATCHES 59-year-old Down grand- in mother had a fast answer when asked why she had turned in false alarm that brought fire trucks scurrying to the scene. She said "I simply done what I had been told to do at a Fire Prevention demonstration on how to operate fire alarm MARTINS AND COYS Combatants in a teen-age scramble on the banks of Pigeon Creek near Avondale were put to flight recently when police and deputy sheriffs operating out of Evansville blew the whistle on a B-B gun duel which bridged the creek for about three hours. It all began when a member of one bunch of kids asked a member of another, one whether or not he was smoking grape leaf cigarets.

An unsatisfactory answers brought a gathering of the kids which re sulted in an "open fire" order. None was seriously injured although couple of "veterans' were heated up a bit pellets which stopped above the knees and below the waist line. You were kids once, so what, youse guys? 3 CITY SLICKER? NOPE Skid row is out according to the Indiana State Highway Commission which has announced a new de slicking process which promises to quiet the nerves of motorists encountering a sign which reads "slick when wet." The first, spot to be treated with a non-skid coating is a stretch of very dangerous pavement on U. S. 50 east of Shoals.

The de-slicking is achieved by application of only, one-eighth inch of non-skid material. Special rolling is not necessary because the passing cars do that job while heading for their, destinations. Highway crews, applying the maintain one-way traffic while it is being done and see to it that traffic does not move at excessive speed while the road being serviced. The dry within two hours. TEEN TALK BY VIVIAN: BROWN (AP Newsfeatures) Shine up your best broom and get set for 8 midnight ride with goblins, ghosts and goons.

Hallowe'en is an eerie time for witches and their pals. If your crowd doesn't have a party but once a year, Hallowe'en is the time. It lends itself to enchanting decorations inside and out. And the autumn chill makes food taste better. Plan spook-to-spook hookup by getting the outside decked out in haunted house fashion.

Black. crep paper' may be put over the windows so that; the entrance looks pretty grim, and when the guests enter; the house a horrible clanging of bells might ensue. (Borrow a fire bell (ship's captain's bell from a friendly neighbor.) Engage the services 'of local small fry to assist you on the outdoor scene. The kids adore scaring their elders on a night like' this, so let them participate to their heart's content. Dressed in appropriate masks and or sheets and costumes kids may hide behind rocks, barn; garage, house or up in the trees! Tarzan-types may sit in trees which must be passed by on the way to the house and unroll sheet ghosts, witches or goblins to bring shivers to the spines of the guests.

At tine, gate two pumpkins may glower eerie contentment. If gate posts are flat, pumpkins may rest on them. Otherwise a put your pumpkins on long poles, about the them in the ground. keep a weight of broom sticks, and put big heavy pumpkin from sliding the pole, put wooden pegs or nails around the pole directly under the pumpkin. If you live in a house with a roomy cellar, you can really scare lar the guests, entrance, kecping it your skinny.

Make celdark and full of surprises. Stretch a piece of twine across the cellar and hang cold spaghetti from itjust low enough so it brushes across the forehead and face. Other ideas may be scared up, depending on your helpers. In the corner of the cellar, for instance, a may stand step ladder which has been draped with a. sheet or black witches robe.

If he wears the proper mask and there is another kid to flashlight the witch's face at the right moment, your giant witch will get the party off to a screaming start in he house. Byl the time. your guests get upstairs, they will old-fashioned be all set for Hallowe'en fun. party can't be beaten. So why not havel bobbin' for apples, apples on a string and fortunes in a cake? The apples rather than the cake may contain the fortunes.

Let these be intriguing with such predictions as "a certain senior has- eyes only for you" or the week is out you will meet your fate." Unless you have. a separate container of apples for boys and girls, the fortunes should apply to either. Hang apples in the doorway. offering prizes for those who can into a swinging suspended by string without using their hands. READ THE CLASSIFIED ADS Halloween Offers Severe Test For Parenthood; Anastasia Enumerates Requirements By ANASTASIA CLOTHIER Most of us at one time or another in grade school took a.

crack at memorizing Kipling's famous poem, Maybe, out of the dim recesses you'll recall that general idea was the enumeration of a lot of impressive virtues which. if you achieve, ultimately "you'll be a man, my son" It was the inspirational sort of piece that's been parodied from about every angle, and for "years now I've been adding my own private adaptation to parents. Stuff like "If you can keep your sense of humor when all about Halloween seems to be the ultimate test. of this sort of thing at when its parenthood gets shown up best or worst and when Kipling should have a triple workout. Primarily, "if you can have the and by patience I mean: for the weeks in advance when Halloween looms up with the importance of Christmas, a gleam only: in Small Fry's eye, when almost daily the Halloween box is dumped on the garage floor against all orders, disgorging masks, horns and orange paper, when you're pestered beyond reawith items about costume, a party, loot for trick-or-treat, new neighbors to be included in Halloween visits, your contribution to the school carnival, the availability of Daddy to blow up balloons, the length of time we plan to stay at the carnival, the tentative purchase of a pumpkin for a jack o'lantern, how long in advance said purchase could be made without the face disintegrating before the 31st.

On and on and on! GADGETS ON PARADE (By International News: Service) Housewives who want the results of the home canning season to be pretty as well as nutritious will be interested in a new set. of patterned gummed labels which come in pretty colors, with plenty of space to write in "beans, "Peas," etc. There are six different labels in the set. The designs are mostly Pennsylvania Dutch motifs, and make nice gift labels for presents of preserves. A combination doll and pillow is the latest item for children.

This "Pillo-Doll" comes in either girl or boy doll shape, and is made of foam rubber. The covering is sanforized percale, and is washable. The manufacturer expects his foam doll to be especially popular for children who suffer from allergies, since the foam is non-allergic. The latest hostess tray to. appear is meant for beer drinkers only.

It's a wooden tray with holders designed especially for beer bottles or cans. It also has space for six glasses and a space for pretzols or potato chips. Six large tumblers come with the tray. Margaret down to your room, and get what's troubling you off your chest. I'll carry on here." His shadowed face lightened, and, crossing the room to where she sat, he bent down and kissed her cheek.

"Mother of mine, you're priceless," he I said affectionately, and as her face prideful appreciation, he put out his hand and caught mine I was standing beside him and spoke urgently. "Come on, Sweet!" he said, and turning, rushed me through the door to the corridor, and down to his own room, neither of speaking again until the door closed behind us. Then, as he put me into a chair, and drew a chair opposite me, I put up my hand in a protesting gesture, and made a little speech of my own. must tell you two things, and ask you a question before I hear a word," I said, and suddenly, his always volatile spirits triumphed over whatever was troubling him, and his eyes twinkled in his clearing face as he asked: "Wanna bet I don't know both of the things you're going to tell me?" "I never bet against your hunches;" I told him. "But, I'm listening." is that Faith expects some cuddling from me before she goes to sleep.

Right?" "Right," I echoed. "The other is that Dad expects to be here twenty-five minutes after midnight, is bringing someone with him, and wishes to have Bess present at the conference." "Right said, and the sobriety returned to his face. "But what Dad doesn't he said, "is that Terry McGovern is dead, a suicide, and that you have to break the news to Bess and get her in shape to do whatever Dad wishes when he gets here." (Continued Monday) But if you have the patience you'll live through it. Also "if you can have the the item we're usually short of! Looking back on my Halloween years, I've developed an attitude almost of reverence toward my mother's cleverness in devising from six a dozen costumes per season to see -me through the flood of parties, parades which were a definite "must" on my social calendar. She even managed to disguise me so that in a series of sailor, football, bath-towel, newsprint, gypsy, v.

catdo and the inevitable pirate regalia. (I was a timid devotee of Long John Silver) I sometimes failed to be recognized for at least five minutes after my entry into festivities. It's not only in costumes where this ingenuity is required although the curse of duplicating a former outfit is something blacker than Macbeth's witches ever dreamed up. It's. a matter of a doling out trick-or-treat cookies, candy or popcorn which differ from, any elsewhere in the block, of planning ghost walks and.

spook sessions vary the apple-bobbing sport of dull ol' Susy Smith's party, of making faces on a pumpkin pie that are unlike the faces on anyone else's. Then there's the angle of 'if you can have Get a good grip too because this cover's the doorbell ringers, the teensize trick-or-treaters who, come a night ahead to allow them a free carnival night, the soaped-up car windows, the. monotonous clicking of those cricket things and cardboard horns which, discouragingly, don't out and black gumdrops squishing underfoot. And then there's that "ultimate test, "if vou can be 8 kid to In other words, if you can laugh, and really mean it, at Small Fry, in his Wimpy suit, hamburger. and all, it you can wave at him wildly as he passes your reviewing in the school parade, if you can hide in.

the shrubbery while he and Little Sister ring doorbells, it you can tend you don't recognize the nextdoor child in his pillow-front, it you can spend two foot-aching hours at the school carnival and still go on for a surprise call at Aunt Jane's across town, it you can light a jack o'lantern in a dark room and shiver ecstatically or "pop out of a corner in a sheet, emitting a banshee wail and still not feel silly then, brother, you've made the grade. You've licked Halloween, and "what is more" you're a parent of whom Kipling would be proud. GRICE MOTORS Big USED CAR SALE A Now On DON'T MISS IT t. The modern miracle of natural 5 GAS r', 5 d. 7 WE CALL THEN "PIPE They take a piece of pipe about 40 feet long, lay it deep in a narrow trench, and weld it to another pipe- -air tight! Hondy Rame says: Now you're hooked up with Texas, 4 where natural gas originates! Cutting through Better your mountains, crossing over some rivers living with and tunneling under others, natural it And speeds its way to our Indiana towns.

once in our homes, it heats, cooks, cools and dries performs a dozen daily miracles at very low Plan to use this modern miracle in your home. CENTRAL INDIANA GAS COMPANY 1 taty uS 3 ABOUT TIME MILLERS VALLEY, N. Y. (UP) Hodges, figuring he traveled 2,000 miles in 37 years to his mail box, moved the box from the corner of the yard to the front of his house. 6,000 SAVINGS GROUPS WASHINGTON The National Savings and Loan League reports that there are now 6:000 savingsand loan associations in United States..

Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.