My Server is dying.... (2024)

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  • 11-30-2015, 11:34 PM


    My Server is dying....

    NO idea if this is happening to other servers but is getting almost imposible to do Stuff in Goblin (NA)

    Leveling Roulettes/50/60 takes from 40 to 60 min to get in... during a Saturday/Friday nite Sat Nite

    [img=] Sunday nite ( left the queue and log off after 30)

    And if the tank/healer left during the run... ur done... ask for someone help or get out.

    Our residencial map will be a wasteland soon....


    Some FCs already left the server cuz wasnt able to fill spots for statics. Also PVP queue takes 1+ hour - And Expert more than 20 min as DPS/Healer sometimes. PF is dead during the week and barely have 1-2 parties (usually 1 doing fates/hunts) on weekneds. Almost imposible to recruit new ppl for our FC (no newbies).

    If this continues SE need to find a way to merge us to anoother server. I dont want to lose all my stuff, Our FC (1 year old), house, airships and also pay.... to move to a more populate server.

    I Know the DF is Data Center Wide. Thats why i am asking if other servers are living the same....? Also the situation makes all content that requeires a premade party almost imposible to try/practice. A group in PF can take 45 min+ to fill during "prime times" (Friday/Sat nites - Sunday afternoon)

    Some suggestions to try to fix the population issue:
    1- Let ppl tranfer for free to the lowest 5 populated servers.
    2- New players incentives on low populated servers:
    - +50% exp bonus till one of ur jobs get to lv 60
    - Incetives table (only for sprout chars):
    lv 10 : free minion
    lv 20: free ligthing event weapon x1
    lv 30: Free ligthing event set
    lv 40: Choco Barding
    lv 50: 1000 poetics
    lv 60: 1000 laws

  • 11-30-2015, 11:37 PM


    I am hearing this happening in other servers too. That is one reason why some people are transfering. I know that add up to the problem lol, but it suppose it is time for you to probably check other servers if your doesn't start to increase its numbers.
  • 11-30-2015, 11:39 PM


    The Duty Finder is server wide, you'll be put in queue with everyone else in your datacentre. That has nothing to do with your server being dead, unless your entire datacentre is dying which I doubt.
  • 11-30-2015, 11:42 PM


    Goblin is in the same data centre as big servers like Balmung so I find it hard to believe that the duty finder can be that quiet unless something is technically wrong with it. Are you queued up with some unusual language selected?

    My data centre is teeny but I can easily get into a roulette on any job at any time of day. PVP, however...

  • 11-30-2015, 11:43 PM


    The duty finder is data center wide not just your server. Your server dying is not the problem with the DF.
  • 12-01-2015, 12:09 AM


    The problem might be the Leveling Roulette and not the server density. Despite being why we have Roulettes to begin with, the Leveling and Main Scenario Roulettes are falling by the way side as their rewards just don't mesh with community demand anymore. The community wants Esoterics and only three Roulettes rewards those; Expert, Trials and Frontlines. Law has gone the way Soldiery, sadly.
  • 12-01-2015, 12:09 AM


    Even if your server has only 5 ppl online this wouldn't affect DF queue AT ALL. DF system is server wide. DPS queues were always big and it really depends what dungeon you queue for and what time of the day.
  • 12-01-2015, 12:12 AM


    It's 5 minutes for a DPS on Balmung. Come, join us.
  • 12-01-2015, 12:13 AM


    I remember hearing something about the Duty Finder having some technical issues with queue times and stuff. This could be an example of that.
  • 12-01-2015, 12:20 AM



    Originally Posted by Evangela

    It's 5 minutes for a DPS on Balmung. Come, join us.

    Balmung and Goblin are on the same data center, we have the same five minute queues :p
  • 12-01-2015, 12:31 AM


    DF queue times should hopefully be fixed with tonight's maint.
  • 12-01-2015, 12:31 AM


    For dps those queue times sound about right. I generally try to queue with a tank or healer friend to help speed things up on the ex. roulettes and whatnot. If I'm levelling, I'll either queue in a partial premade with someone else who's levelling a class that helps flesh out the trinity a bit more, or I'll spam fates in the meantime.

    I tend to side with what nearly everyone else has said here; the DF is data center wide, which means that it takes from every server in the data center, even (and especially) the higher population servers that likely have more players needing those dungeons for whatever reason. The problem isn't that the server population is dying, it's that the particular roulette isn't as popular as you'd like it to be.

  • It has been noted that on some servers (like Lamia, which I'm on) are having strange issues with the matching algorithms for the duty finder. Also, it seems that there have also been major shifts in role densities since Heavensward was released. Combine these things and the queues are doing some odd things in some places.
  • 12-01-2015, 12:39 AM


    I've had zero issues getting into anything on goblin ._.
    Sure, my DPS queue's are longer, but that's to be expected. But usually 20-25 min, sometimes a bit longer.
    I main tank though, and that's always fast queue times, so maybe that's why I'm never running into many issues. If it's DF, I dunno why it's so bad for you. If it's specific dungeons/trials, then yea. Some of them are pretty much dead as no one is queuing for them anywhere.

    Yes, PF is dead in goblin. Because people simply don't use it. I see groups running around all the time. Most people already have their groups they run around with. You don't HAVE to have 8 people to run around and do some fate grinding. In fact, half the time, I run around and do that solo anyways. Because we're a lower population, many have already found their group/niche that they stick with to get things done. If your FC is no longer active, I would suggest finding a new one. I see plenty of green leafs running around in goblin though. Heck, I saw at least 5 yesterday while I was fate grinding in Coertha's (and that's usually not where you see green leafs). Granted, I would probably say they were most likely alt's and not actual new accounts.

    PvP though, yes. I've queue'd up for that for 45 min even with a pre-made party of 4 (meaning we were only waiting for the other team...). But that's simply due to lack of people playing PvP in the first place. Not really the server...

    Join a linkshell or a more active FC would be my suggestion.

  • 12-01-2015, 12:47 AM


    Many times it has been the duty finder. I have often queued in as a tank and had to back out several times because it failed to secure or create an instance.
  • 12-01-2015, 12:59 AM



    Originally Posted by Malzian

    It has been noted that on some servers (like Lamia, which I'm on) are having strange issues with the matching algorithms for the duty finder. Also, it seems that there have also been major shifts in role densities since Heavensward was released. Combine these things and the queues are doing some odd things in some places.

    See, I'm on Lamia server and I've yet to experience the issue. Some of my FC members have been hit with it, but even when I was leveling MCH since 3.1 dropped I had no issues at all. (37 minute leveling roulette was the longest I had.) I've got 5 minute queues on all my other classes.

    The roulette bug hits some people and not others, and no one has figured out why yet.

  • 12-01-2015, 01:01 AM



    Originally Posted by Sakuraluna

    I tend to side with what nearly everyone else has said here; the DF is data center wide, which means that it takes from every server in the data center, even (and especially) the higher population servers that likely have more players needing those dungeons for whatever reason. The problem isn't that the server population is dying, it's that the particular roulette isn't as popular as you'd like it to be.

    That mean ppl is not leveling anything data center wide? what that say to u about the game health?.... for real i am not posting bout if the DF works or not, neither if Df have issues... I am posting bout my server, and prolly my Data Center, dying and forcing me to Pay and lose my stuff to play somewhere else (or just leave the game like many of my friends did, cuz chating - the only thing i can do- is free on Facebook ). I am trying to play and paying for an MMORPG not a solo game.... :S

    (STOP trying to "teach me" bout how DF works, i been playing this game since launch, the dungeon finder times are just 1 indicator about the terrible server situation and may even bout my Data Center health)

    The only newbies in my server are bots:


    And even they are hard to find now.... when u check players betwen lv 1-25 during a gaming nite this is what u get:

  • 12-01-2015, 01:10 AM



    Originally Posted by Valoiz

    That mean ppl is not leveling?.... for real i am not posting bout if the DF works or not fine, neither if Df have issues... I am posting bout my server, and prolly my Data Center, dying and forcing me to Pay and lose my stuff to play somewhere else (or just leave the game like many of my friends did, cuz chating - the only thing i can do- is free on Facebook )

    No, there is an actual bug that is hitting some characters (but not others) where the Duty Finder just isn't working right. SE said they're going to try to fix it at the next maintenance.
  • 12-01-2015, 01:18 AM



    Originally Posted by Catwho

    No, there is an actual bug that is hitting some characters (but not others) where the Duty Finder just isn't working right. SE said they're going to try to fix it at the next maintenance.

    I still ista-3 min queue if i try the same roulettes as Tank so no idea what bug are u talking bout and not sure how works - only affect DPSs ? - ....
  • 12-01-2015, 01:28 AM



    Originally Posted by Malicewolf

    Join a linkshell or a more active FC would be my suggestion.

    My FC is one of the most active in the whole server actually, we are usually betwen the spot 15-25 in our server (from 417 FCs in the Goblin Fc ranking) in the FC rank. And i am part of the biggest Linkhells in the game atm. So already have the best the server can offer me in that matters. Maps are desert! Few ppl running around in expansion maps but nothing else. We are even killing A ranks with -8 players cuz noone shows :S
  • 12-01-2015, 01:28 AM


    There is a thread about the DF not working correctly since 3.1 on the front page and the Dev tracker atm. It is not because your data center or server is dying, it is because the DF is bugged. I'm on Aether as well, and I have been intermittently hit with this bug.
  • 12-01-2015, 01:34 AM



    Originally Posted by Naria

    There is a thread about the DF not working correctly since 3.1 on the front page and the Dev tracker atm. It is not because your data center or server is dying, it is because the DF is bugged. I'm on Aether as well, and I have been intermittently hit with this bug.

    Aready read that. Ty :s
  • 12-01-2015, 02:16 AM


    I know it was mentioned previously, but how many languages do you have selected? I'm on the same data center and I queue under only English and I never have any issues as a DPS finding parties.

    As for 1+ hour PvP queues? I've never had to wait more than 45 minutes. Heck, yesterday they were popping every 5 minutes for most of the day.

  • 12-01-2015, 02:28 AM



    Originally Posted by Selli

    I know it was mentioned previously, but how many languages do you have selected? I'm on the same data center and I queue under only English and I never have any issues as a DPS finding parties.

    As for 1+ hour PvP queues? I've never had to wait more than 45 minutes. Heck, yesterday they were popping every 5 minutes for most of the day.

    Hi, me and my friends always select all laguages in df
  • 12-01-2015, 02:32 AM



    Originally Posted by Valoiz

    My FC is one of the most active in the whole server actually, we are usually betwen the spot 15-25 in our server (from 417 FCs in the Goblin Fc ranking) in the FC rank. And i am part of the biggest Linkhells in the game atm. So already have the best the server can offer me in that matters. Maps are desert! Few ppl running around in expansion maps but nothing else. We are even killing A ranks with -8 players cuz noone shows :S

    I've hunted S ranks and I don't think I've run into a single one in the last week with anything less than 30+ players. A ranks are a bit more iffy. People won't come running for A ranks, but if they're not busy, they'll come. But I can take on some of the A ranks solo as a PLD. Yesterday, 3-4 killed an A rank. They aren't that tough that you NEED people.

    And if you have an active FC and a large LS, I don't understand at all why you are running into any issues... Do you simply never party up with anyone in either? My FC is smaller, but active and the only time I don't run with them is when I'm going through roulette (though, we found that if you literally queue the roulette at the same time, you have a decent chance to get the same one, pending classes). Sure, some maps are empty if you just simply enter it. There are very obvious spots that are better for fate/leve grinding and those areas are usually fairly active. People aren't spread out everywhere on goblin. Try asking people if they want to do x or y. Going somewhere and just expecting people to be there isn't necessarily going to happen on a lower pop server like ours. If you're looking for that, you'd want to go to another server. But I like that I can go around and not miss every other fate on maps because there's so many people running them and all I see on screen is a blur of lights and lag.

    Feel free to hit me up if you see me online though (usually online every weekday around 5pm-1am and around 12p-3a on weekends). Though, heads up, I'm not through all content yet. Keep getting distracted doing other things and haven't finished pushing through HW story.

  • 12-01-2015, 02:33 AM


    I have the same issue specifically with roulettes and the duty finder. Roulette queue times are much longer than the time in queue for a single dungeon of any level for me. Single dungeon < 15 mins, Roulette > 45 mins. I have stopped doing roulettes due to some basically never popping. I am just leveling by queuing for the highest eligible dungeon for that job/class. This seems to be the same for my level 60s as for my new level 15 and 35 class/jobs.

    Of course many people not doing roulettes (because they seem bugged) doesn't help the roulette times either I suppose.

  • 12-01-2015, 02:38 AM



    Originally Posted by Colorful

    The Duty Finder is server wide, you'll be put in queue with everyone else in your datacentre. That has nothing to do with your server being dead, unless your entire datacentre is dying which I doubt.

    Sometimes though, I wonder how it really works. Because my data center has the 2 biggest servers on it and you can't possibly tell me out of all those people, not a single tank or healer are queuing up for anything, causing 30+ minute waits on things like high level or leveling. Don't even bother with pvp unless you're Gridania, it's over an hour wait.


    Originally Posted by ChandraNoctis

    I have the same issue specifically with roulettes and the duty finder. Roulette queue times are much longer than the time in queue for a single dungeon of any level for me. Single dungeon < 15 mins, Roulette > 45 mins. I have stopped doing roulettes due to some basically never popping.

    ^ This. Sometimes I can get into one of the expert dungeons within 3-7 minutes if I queue specifically for them, but expert can take up to 20-30. Around 10-15 with a healer friend queuing with me.
  • 12-01-2015, 02:39 AM


    Roulette and DF Q's are, as many have pointed out, data center wide, not server specific.

    More importantly, multiple posts recently from people on Goblin about the server dying are not doing the server any favors. Any posts from folks using Duty Finder or Duty Roulette Q times as evidence of their server having a problem, are in effect hurting their own cause. Since the Q's are data center based, it's a false premise anyway, but constantly complaining about a server dying could be considered the creation of a self fulfilling prophesy.

  • 12-01-2015, 02:44 AM



    Originally Posted by Malicewolf

    And if you have an active FC and a large LS, I don't understand at all why you are running into any issues... .

    Not everyone on the same page. The same thing that happens when u put a PF and takes 45+ min to fill. Ppl play on diferent ways and have different goals, even ppl from other FCs (bigger than ours) do stuff with us and othewise. Thats not the problem.
  • 12-01-2015, 02:51 AM



    Originally Posted by Valoiz

    Hi, me and my friends always select all laguages in df

    That is why. If you select multiple languages, it will put priority over one of the languages instead of throwing you into a language roulette (as in you may be queued for F, E, D, and J, but the DF is just putting you into a French queue instead of all 4). You are waiting for other people to queue under a language that might not be popular on that data center (such as Japanese or German, since Aether is an NA data center and most people in NA speak English as their primary language).

    As someone who PvPs a lot, this is one of the first things I learned not to do. I waited once for level 50 FL (way back in the day) for over 6 hours before I asked one of my PvP buddies about it. Never did it again after that and I haven't had any problems with queues after that.

  • 12-01-2015, 02:52 AM



    Originally Posted by Valoiz

    Not everyone on the same page. The same thing that happens when u put a PF and takes 45+ min to fill. Ppl play on diferent ways and have different goals, even ppl from other FCs (bigger than ours) do stuff with us and othewise. Thats not the problem.

    People are more spread out through the content. When the Hunts were added previously in a catch up patch, the Duty Finder Q's on all data centers went pretty quite for a long time, then people got tired of the hunts (after gearing themselves) and the Q's returned to normal. This too shall pass.
  • 12-01-2015, 02:54 AM



    Originally Posted by Selli

    That is why. If you select multiple languages, it will put priority over one of the languages instead of throwing you into a language roulette (as in you may be queued for F, E, D, and J, but the DF is just putting you into a French queue instead of all 4). You are waiting for other people to queue under a language that might not be popular on that data center (such as Japanese or German, since Aether is an NA data center and most people in NA speak English as their primary language).

    Ty i will test that, but still DF is only one of the many indicators showing our server is desert >.<
  • 12-01-2015, 02:56 AM


    You keep saying you have access to all these different means of communicating with people and have a large pool of people (in goblin) to call upon. I have 1 linkshell (that's purely a for fun LS, not a purposed one) and 5 people outside of my FC on my friends list. I have zero issue's finding people to do things with. That's why I'm very very curious as to why you are having such trouble all around. My queue times aren't even half as long as yours.

    PF is always iffy though. Most on goblin don't bother to look even when people shout it a billion times. It's not until you find you're running the same thing with them for a while that you join (mostly fate grinding). Don't put so much effort into finding PF's.

  • 12-01-2015, 03:30 AM



    Originally Posted by Malicewolf

    You keep saying you have access to all these different means of communicating with people and have a large pool of people (in goblin) to call upon. I have 1 linkshell (that's purely a for fun LS, not a purposed one) and 5 people outside of my FC on my friends list. I have zero issue's finding people to do things with. That's why I'm very very curious as to why you are having such trouble all around. My queue times aren't even half as long as yours.

    Well ur making me give u a really long explaination i dont want to (my broken english make it really dificult also). But making it short: close to everyone i know is using the game mostly as a expensive chat. Other are leveling crafting. Not many actually leveling jobs and if so, they are doing levelig roulette daily and u cant queue in group. Most of us jost doing Void Ark after reset and usually Expert in group. Not many of the payers i know likes neither Extreme primals or diadem.

    My FC and LSs are struggling to survive (cuz many players are tranfering to other servers, left the game and theres no newbies to recruit), lots of players left the game (check our housing plot map i already post), FCs who used to play with us (also the 3 more "hardcore" guilds in Goblin) merged to Shiva/Cactuar.

    Good thing if u have a bunch of friends who do the same things u want and are on ur same page. Not here to discuss my playing style but data i already show bout how our server populations is too low to keep going, and is lowest everyday.

  • 12-01-2015, 03:34 AM


    Your server is putting on a Glamour Contest with one of the best advertisem*nts I've seen for an in-game event. Came across this while advertising for my own glamour event on Midgard.
  • 12-01-2015, 03:39 AM


    Thanksgiving weekend?
  • 12-01-2015, 03:46 AM



    Originally Posted by Arrak

    Your server is putting on a Glamour Contest with one of the best advertisem*nts I've seen for an in-game event. Came across this while advertising for my own glamour event on Midgard.

    Seems pretty random for a reply to a thread about someone's woes with Duty. Still a simple problem to understand; there's a bug that affects people randomly giving them overlong queues and a general lack of interest over undesired rewards. I don't even run High anymore, I've been capped on Soldiery for months and was capped on Law for weeks before I bought the Haurchefant portrait. About to cap on Law again, actually.
  • 12-01-2015, 03:57 AM


    Goblin is a low population server for sure, but it's not dying. There are pros and cons to all population sizes. A pro, for example, to our smaller population is that hunts aren't as much of a massive Zerg fest as higher population servers, we can actually experience the mechanics of A ranks and find a challenge in defeating them. On higher population servers you might not even lay eyes on them before they're dead.

    There are cons too, like fewer PF groups, but that is normal for a server our size. Our server isn't dying, nothing needs to be fixed, it's just a different dynamic than the larger servers.

  • 12-01-2015, 03:59 AM


    If you're unhappy, it might be best to transfer rather than linger. From experience, it doesn't just "get better", just more bitter.

    I recently transferred off a small server and you couldn't pay me to go back, let alone bribe me with minions. The only thing that will fix some people's dissatisfaction with them is a merge.

  • 12-01-2015, 04:00 AM



    Originally Posted by Gilraen

    Seems pretty random for a reply to a thread about someone's woes with Duty.

    The thread is about the server dying, low pop, etc, not just about duty finder issues. I don't think a server is dead when there are still people on it trying to bring the community together.

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My Server is dying.... (2024)


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