Warning About Tiny Firewall 2.0.8 Please read!!!!! - Security (2024)

Premium Member
Huntington, WV

Warning About Tiny Firewall 2.0.8 Please read!!!!! - Security (2)


Premium Member

2001-Jan-30 11:37 am

Warning About Tiny Firewall 2.0.8 Please read!!!!!

I just got this today from Gibson research The New version of Tiny Firewall might destroy your computer, I have used 2.0.6 and 2.0.7, with no problems, But Steve said 2.0.8 hosed his pc. I report the good and the bad a like read his report here.


· actions · 2001-Jan-30 11:37 am ·

Premium Member


Premium Member

2001-Jan-30 11:54 am

What the heck is Steve's problem today?

Hasn't he ever heard of rebooting to DOS? How about Safe Mode?

He used a "renaming trick" to delete "open" Tiny files, but all he had to do was delete them in DOS.

And his machine wasn't exactly "hosed". He just had to remove Tiny by force. His system was intact after that -- he said nothing about rebuilding or re-installing anything.


I did find it very interesting that 'Zone Alarm Pro nailed (and blocked) my paid-for copy of Eudora 5 (eMail client) from phoning home to report on my "eMail usage habits" — Thanks anyway Eudora.'

Wow, that sucks. All the more reason for me to keep using Pegasus, thank you!

-- B

· actions · 2001-Jan-30 11:54 am ·


Oklahoma City, OK

Warning About Tiny Firewall 2.0.8 Please read!!!!! - Security (4)


2001-Jan-30 12:35 pm

said by Steve Gibson:So I was finally forced to hit the reset button which — on my carefully hand-assembled main machine — I have never done before.

First time he ever used the reset button!? Well, that pretty well puts him out of touch with mainstream users, doesn't it!?;)

· actions · 2001-Jan-30 12:35 pm ·


Warning About Tiny Firewall 2.0.8 Please read!!!!! - Security (6)



2001-Jan-30 12:49 pm

You got that right.

If it wasn't for that button, I'm sure I would have had to solder another on/off switch in my pc.

I like the carefully hand-assembled part. I bet he had on static-free gloves, had 16gage wire taped to his arms grounded to the floor, hairnet, probably in a vacuum chamber wearing an oxygen mask, climate controlled to 72F, etc...

· actions · 2001-Jan-30 12:49 pm ·

Toronto, ON

Warning About Tiny Firewall 2.0.8 Please read!!!!! - Security (8)

Wildcatboy to 2kmaro


2001-Jan-30 1:15 pm

to 2kmaro

I think his problem started when he was asked to press "Any key" to get out and he didn't know where the "Any key" was. Warning About Tiny Firewall 2.0.8 Please read!!!!! - Security (9)

· actions · 2001-Jan-30 1:15 pm ·

Premium Member

B04 to 2kmaro

Premium Member

2001-Jan-30 1:18 pm

to 2kmaro
said by 2kmaro:
said by Steve Gibson:So I was finally forced to hit the reset button which — on my carefully hand-assembled main machine — I have never done before.
First time he ever used the reset button!? Well, that pretty well puts him out of touch with mainstream users, doesn't it!?;)

Yeah, I'm not sure I believe him on that one either. And if he can get Windows 98SE to shut down reliably, he's got true god-like powers.

-- B

· actions · 2001-Jan-30 1:18 pm ·

Avoid Reality At All Costs
Seattle, WA

Warning About Tiny Firewall 2.0.8 Please read!!!!! - Security (11)



2001-Jan-30 4:25 pm

said by B:Yeah, I'm not sure I believe him on that one either. And if he can get Windows 98SE to shut down reliably, he's got true god-like powers.

Worship me, foolish mortal. Lease me your sooooooooul.

· actions · 2001-Jan-30 4:25 pm ·

San Jose, CA

Warning About Tiny Firewall 2.0.8 Please read!!!!! - Security (13)



2001-Jan-30 4:31 pm

I've been running 2.0.8 on my NT4 PDC for a month now and have had no problems. Warning About Tiny Firewall 2.0.8 Please read!!!!! - Security (14)

· actions · 2001-Jan-30 4:31 pm ·

Premium Member
Huntington, WV

Warning About Tiny Firewall 2.0.8 Please read!!!!! - Security (16)


Premium Member

2001-Jan-30 4:50 pm

Build 8
January 29, 2001
New wizard dialog allows user to specify local and remote ports when a new rule is created. Improved security of NETBIOS over TCP/IP protocol. Some bugs in kernel driver fixed. Configuration is now encrypted. TPF2 is now able to detect when an application with an existing filter rule already created is replaced by another application.

Build 7
January 22, 2001
"EnforceWriteProtection" can be enabled in this version ; better PnP and power management support ; "Connect" on UDP socket is now controlled properly ; Other small bugs have been fixed.

Build 6
January 10, 2001
New features have been added : new, simplified rule-wizard with many improvements ; new icons and installation dialogs ; TPF can be installed over previous installations ; DNS names and service names are displayed in status window ; rules can be temporarily disabled by unchecking checkboxes ; configuration is now saved after every modification
Bugs fixed : "Unable to allocate buffer" problem fixed ; many bugs in kernel module (driver) fixed ; knownapp.txt file is no longer used

Build 5
December 22, 2000
Added update support for newer versions on installation. Fixed uninstallation issue and other minor bugs. Added horizontal scrolling for filter rules.

So how was you using 2.0.8 for a month? it just came out yesterday.

· actions · 2001-Jan-30 4:50 pm ·


Warning About Tiny Firewall 2.0.8 Please read!!!!! - Security (18)

korupt to Vampirefo


2001-Jan-30 4:51 pm

to Vampirefo

What's with Gibson, is he starting the b*tch of the month club?
I used to visit his site, but his God like ramblings are getting to be all to frequent. From on high, I, Steve Gibson will preach to the uneducated. Trust me,I am Steve Gibson...

...MHO - B$, now where is the reset button? By the way, have a nice day! Warning About Tiny Firewall 2.0.8 Please read!!!!! - Security (19):D

· actions · 2001-Jan-30 4:51 pm ·

Premium Member
Henderson, NV

astirusty to B04

Premium Member

2001-Jan-30 5:17 pm

to B04
quote: Yeah, I'm not sure I believe him on that one either. And if he can get Windows 98SE to shut down reliably, he's got true god-like powers.

If you are having troubles with Windoze shutting down, try
turning off "fast shutdown". If I remember it is one of options via M$ un-supported power tweaks. I know it reduced my shut down problems by factor of 8.

As for Steve G. and his reset button, well all I can say is his machine must be extreme vanilla (as in power supply, mobo, keyboard, ide disk and nothing else).
Let's see I pretty sure I have some Umax SCSI scanner drivers still laying around that ought to introduce him to that reset button in a very intimiate way.

· actions · 2001-Jan-30 5:17 pm ·

Rocky Point, NY

Warning About Tiny Firewall 2.0.8 Please read!!!!! - Security (21)



2001-Jan-30 8:43 pm

quote:If you are having troubles with Windoze shutting down, try
turning off "fast shutdown". If I remember it is one of options via M$ un-supported power tweaks. I know it reduced my shut down problems by factor of 8.

The "fast shutdown" can be disabled in Win98 (NOT 98SE!) by running msconfig, and clicking the "advanced" button. There you will see the box to disable "fast shutdown". Disabling this setting has helped me in a lot of cases where the user was having problems getting Win98 to shutdown properly. Also, the fast shutdown seemed to screw up a lot of settings in any open applications running during shutdown. It seems that Windows would just slam the applications closed, without properly shutting them down.The fast shutdown has been removed from Win98 SE as far as I can tell.

· actions · 2001-Jan-30 8:43 pm ·

Oak Park, MI

Warning About Tiny Firewall 2.0.8 Please read!!!!! - Security (23)

Demonspawn to astirusty


2001-Jan-30 9:36 pm

to astirusty

Re: Warning About Tiny Firewall 2.0.8 Please read!


UGH. I have one of those. Let me just say that is a wonderful piece of hardware that has the worlds sh*ttiest software (other than the network scan utility). Works like a charm under Linux using a TWAIN interface, however.


· actions · 2001-Jan-30 9:36 pm ·

Dayton, OH

Warning About Tiny Firewall 2.0.8 Please read!!!!! - Security (25)

TransitMan to SuavePenguin


2001-Jan-30 11:54 pm

to SuavePenguin

Re: Warning About Tiny Firewall 2.0.8 Please read!!!!!

fast Shutdown is still there. Just checked on it on my Win98Se.

· actions · 2001-Jan-30 11:54 pm ·

Rocky Point, NY

Warning About Tiny Firewall 2.0.8 Please read!!!!! - Security (27)



2001-Jan-31 12:13 am

said by TransitMan:fast Shutdown is still there. Just checked on it on my Win98Se.

It's not there on mine, or the PC's at work. Different SP's of Win 98 SE, I suspect?

Miamisburg, huh? Just got back from Germantown (and Carlisle, Middletown, etc.).

· actions · 2001-Jan-31 12:13 am ·

Nogal, NM

Warning About Tiny Firewall 2.0.8 Please read!!!!! - Security (29)



2001-Jan-31 12:59 am

I remember reading somewhere in MS documentation on their web site that this option was removed in W98SE. Sorry I don't remember more about it. I have 98SE, and also cannot find it (which matches my memory and SuavePenguin's systems).

· actions · 2001-Jan-31 12:59 am ·

Premium Member

Warning About Tiny Firewall 2.0.8 Please read!!!!! - Security (31)

Hutchy to Demonspawn

Premium Member

2001-Jan-31 4:28 am

to Demonspawn

Re: Warning About Tiny Firewall 2.0.8 Please read!

I tried this Tiny Fire wall out. You can keep it. I like to spend my time doing useful things with my pc. I do not wish to sit there configuring this Fire Wall. I'll just stick to ZAP. Its actually easier to configure. Another thing when i tested Tiny Fire Wall at »grc.com. to my astonishment i was greeted with a hello (USER NAME) And even if the Tiny Fire Wall on the standard install settings. I tried to set the rules up as per the instructions. But i got so frustrated with Tiny Fire Wall i un installed it. AND I DID NOT HAVE TO USE THE REST BUTTON.

· actions · 2001-Jan-31 4:28 am ·

Burnt Out Cynic
Premium Member


Premium Member

2001-Jan-31 5:30 am


Its not as easy to use as ZA, but is a helluva lot more configurable. The one problem I see for default communications is it permits netbios, that is why grc said that. You must take control of your ruleset, and know what your communications are doing. You can give very open rules, or very specific rules. It does exactly what the rules tell it to do.

So go into the administration, and 'advanced' will lead you to the rules. Here's where YOU play god when it comes to your communications to and from YOUR computers.

· actions · 2001-Jan-31 5:30 am ·

Premium Member

Warning About Tiny Firewall 2.0.8 Please read!!!!! - Security (33)


Premium Member

2001-Jan-31 6:10 am

I am still running ZAP. I don't really think Tiny is the fire Wall for me. I think i'll stick with ZAP it hasn't let me down yet. Thanks for the Advice anyway BlitzenZeus. I may give it try when i have time to sit down and configure Tiny. Have taken down notes from your post thanks

· actions · 2001-Jan-31 6:10 am ·

Premium Member
Huntington, WV

Warning About Tiny Firewall 2.0.8 Please read!!!!! - Security (35)


Premium Member

2001-Jan-31 6:55 am

Re: Warning About Tiny Firewall 2.0.8 Please read!!!!!

2.0.9 is out today, LOL With more to come in a few weeks.I have never seen a company so determined on trying to get a freeware so secure.

Build 2.0.9
January 30, 2001
The configuration file of Tiny Personal Firewall is now encrypted. This is a first preliminary release of the encrypted configuration so don't take our word for it. There will be a major upgrade of it within a several weeks time frame.

· actions · 2001-Jan-31 6:55 am ·

San Angelo, TX

Warning About Tiny Firewall 2.0.8 Please read!!!!! - Security (37)



2001-Jan-31 8:21 am

I love this,
for me there hasn't been any config., it just asks me if I want to permit xxx to connect to xxx (its running as a service in w2K)
I guess in the "run manually" mode there's more to set up.
I tried ZA along time ago and only kept it installed about 5 hours; couldn't stand it's in my face annoyance and the things that I wanted to connect wouldn't, no matter how much I messed with it. Actually it kept crashing, it even gave me a bsod once; I thought enough of this crap, and uninstalled.
maybe it was just an early version with a lot of bugs, but I don't think I'm going to try it again.

· actions · 2001-Jan-31 8:21 am ·

Premium Member

B04 to Vampirefo

Premium Member

2001-Jan-31 10:25 am

to Vampirefo
said by Vampirefo:2.0.9 is out today, LOL With more to come in a few weeks.I have never seen a company so determined on trying to get a freeware so secure.

Then you didn't live through the ZoneAlarm releases! They were issuing new ones every couple of DAYS for a while there! I'm glad to see that Tiny is making the same effort to perfect their product.

SuavePenguin, the point is that Win98 doesn't usually NEED to be tweaked much to get it to shut down properly. Win98 **SE**, however, just won't shut down (particularly if you have a network). Microsoft has released at least THREE patches (Windows 98 SE Shutdown Supplements) for this stupid issue, and none of them work for more than a few days. By the way, TransitMan might still have "Fast Shutdown" on Win98SE because he UPGRADED from Win98?

Still haven't tried Tiny, but looking forward to it...

-- B

· actions · 2001-Jan-31 10:25 am ·

Premium Member
Huntington, WV

Warning About Tiny Firewall 2.0.8 Please read!!!!! - Security (39)


Premium Member

2001-Jan-31 11:28 am

I have W98SE as my host, Mine shutdown just fine, I have never got a patch, Mine hung 3 times since I networked it, I went to this site »www.aumha.org/a/shutdown.htm.
Step three fixed my problem, Why I don't know, But it's been working fine, for 3 months no problems at all.

In Control Panel, double-click Sounds (or Sounds & Multimedia). In the Events box, click Exit Windows. In the Name box, click None. Click OK. Test Windows shut down. If Windows does not hang, the problem may be a corrupt sound file. Restore the file from your Windows disk or wherever you obtained it and then test Windows shut down.

An interesting variation on this issue: One online correspondent has found (in Windows Millennium) that when he had a shutdown problem and no Exit Windows sound, the problem was resolved by adding one! If this describes your situation -- give it a try!

· actions · 2001-Jan-31 11:28 am ·

Premium Member


Premium Member

2001-Jan-31 12:06 pm

Thanks, Vampirefo!

I had seen that page, or one much like it, before, but I couldn't find it again.

I can't believe that a WAV file can make the difference -- how ridiculous -- but whatever works. Maybe I'll set my shutdown sound to None for a while. However, it's hard to test, since my laptop has been behaving lately about 80% of the time...

Thanks again.

-- B

· actions · 2001-Jan-31 12:06 pm ·

Nogal, NM

Warning About Tiny Firewall 2.0.8 Please read!!!!! - Security (41)

V7Goose to B04


2001-Jan-31 8:12 pm

to B04

B, I don't want to downplay the shutdown problems with W98SE (I've seen them too), but it is not a universal problem - some systems run - and unrun - fine.

Shortly after I got this system (with W98SE), I ran into the shutdown problems with a network. After much playing, I found that I could solve that problem by unmapping network drives before shutdown. Admittedly, this is NOT a desirable solution, nor should you have to do it, but I mention it in case someone is looking for a workaround. Oddly enough, I eventually did something (NO idea what) that solved the network shutdown problem completely! My W98SE system has shutdown reliably for over 9 months now.

· actions · 2001-Jan-31 8:12 pm ·

61999674 (banned)
Gotta Do What Ya Gotta Do

61999674 (banned) to CJ30


2001-Jan-31 9:30 pm

to CJ30

a full scale "clean room" no less

· actions · 2001-Jan-31 9:30 pm ·

Tampa, FL

Warning About Tiny Firewall 2.0.8 Please read!!!!! - Security (43)



2001-Jan-31 10:55 pm

to V7Goose

MS has an update that takes care of the shut down problems. I have never had a problem since...

How to Troubleshoot Windows 98 Second Edition Shutdown Problems
This article lists steps to help you troubleshoot shutdown and restart problems in Windows 98 Second Edition.

For information about how to troubleshoot shutdown issues in Microsoft Windows 98, view the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

Q202633 How to Troubleshoot Windows 98 Shutdown Problems
For information about how to troubleshoot shutdown issues in Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition, view the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q273746 How to Troubleshoot Windows Me Shutdown Problems
The following topics are discussed in this article:
Windows 98 Second Edition Shutdown Supplement
Functions Performed During Shut Down
Common Causes of Shut Down Problems
Review Q&A Before You Begin
Check the Programs that Are Running
Check the Hardware
Known Issues

IRQ Steering

Plug & Play BIOS


Fast Shutdown registry key is enabled

Anti-virus Program

Replacing Configmg.vxd File

When Windows 98 Second Edition does not shut down properly, it may appear to stop responding (hang) for several minutes when the following is displayed on your screen:

Please wait while your computer shuts down

or it may display only a blank screen and a blinking cursor.

Windows 98 Second Edition Shutdown Supplement
Microsoft has released the Windows 98 Second Edition Shutdown Supplement that addresses shutdown issues on computers with specific hardware and software configurations running Windows 98 Second Edition. These issues include computers restarting when shut down and computers hanging on shutdown.

Microsoft recommends following the troubleshooting steps outlined in this article. If, after following the steps outlined in this article, the computer continues to exhibit shutdown problems, Microsoft suggests applying this update. For additional information about the Windows 98 Second Edition Shutdown Supplement, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q239887 Availability of Windows 98 Second Edition Shutdown Supplement
NOTE: When you apply the Windows 98 Second Edition Shutdown Supplement, which addresses shutdown issues, the Disable Fast Shutdown option is no longer listed on the Advanced tab in Msconfig

You can download the patch HERE

· actions · 2001-Jan-31 10:55 pm ·

wild colonial boy

Pittsburgh, PA

Warning About Tiny Firewall 2.0.8 Please read!!!!! - Security (45)

gwion to Vampirefo

2001-Jan-31 11:22 pm

to Vampirefo

Just downloaded 2.0.9 - very nice. Just some minor upgrades, but it has a nicer user interface in the automated rule construction popup. I do recommend you back up any existing rulesets, as the upgrade can overwrite the files. (persfw.conf). I do like what they've done... it was my major peeve that I had to make an "all" rule, then go in to edit it... this allows you to specify ports and such right in the dialog box.

· actions · 2001-Jan-31 11:22 pm ·

Nogal, NM

Warning About Tiny Firewall 2.0.8 Please read!!!!! - Security (47)



2001-Feb-1 11:02 pm


Microsoft's shutdown patches (there are at least two for W98SE) didn't do anything to solve my problems with the mapped network drives. I'm sure they helped others in their configuration, just not my problem. I fond much more help by removing each item in the MSCONFIG startup one at a time and seeing which ones were causing the hang, then looking for updates for those programs.

· actions · 2001-Feb-1 11:02 pm ·

Warning About Tiny Firewall 2.0.8 Please read!!!!! - Security (2024)


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